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Finished partial matching algorithm.

Started by hutch--, September 22, 2006, 02:58:25 PM

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I meant to get back to this one and finish it but I got sidetracked with a few other things. It is a partial matching algorithm that differs from the earlier one only in so far as it has an extra parameter for setting a starting offset so that you can go back and search the same string for another match after the first one.

Effectively it performs this task.

"1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"  The string to search.

"****567*90**cd**"  a partial pattern to search for.

It differs from a weildcard match in that it is designed to search for a fixed length pattern within the source that can have a variable range of characters in it that are marked with the "*" character.

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