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Beginer in Assembly language

Started by jptsunil, July 31, 2006, 09:05:15 AM

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sorry for my bad english  I want to learn assembly language and i have no previous knowledge of any programming language means i want to learn assembly language directly without learning any higher level language please tell me what assembler should i use and which tutorial will be best for me as i am a beginer please give me link for beginer level tutorial for assembly language



are you with  iczilion's tutorials?


Hi, I suggest that you use masm, it has so many tutorials and documentations available. I also use winasm studio, it makes coding a little bit more easier. Of course, I agree with trodon that you start reading iczelion's tutorials, it is one of the best. After that, you gotta practice, practice, practice, then read, then practice again... Good luck to you dude!  :U


Hello and welcome!

I recommend to do a search here on the forum with the keywords "beginner" and "tutorial". There will be many hits I am sure!
I can say this for the all the members of the forum: please feel free to ask your question about any asm topic!

Greets, Gábor



I don't like to rain on the parade but the chances of learning programming from scratch by starting with an assembler is very poor as there are too many complicated and abstract ideas and concepts to get off the ground. Essentially assembler programming is an advanced topic and not a learner proposition if you have no programming experience whatsoever.

I would recommend learning a far higher level languae first just to get the swing of prgram logic, next learn a compiler that is capable of handling the Windows API functions and when you are experienced with these, assembler will be there if you need it.
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taraigochee sama

i suggest you read the following book
this book describes many important elements of assembly language and undeliining concepts (hardware description included up to certain level)
be warned that this book is quite complicated to understand for beginers

good luck



I would say that you should have this:
- RadASM - a great IDE
- w32dasm and\or WinIce
- iczilion's tutorials
- Win32.hlp
- Pentium books