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A Bitmap Editor

Started by Darrel, July 13, 2006, 11:58:50 AM

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I'm glad to see my program being compared to mspaint. It is designed to be similar to mspaint (for an easy transition). I originally was making a screensaver and wanted a rotating emblem, so I wrote a few functions in VB mainly to rotate an image to any given angle. Then when I came across asm I eventually decided to combine my functions and make a bitmap editor. My goal is to make something that will compete with PaintShopPro. I don't have PaintShopPro so I don't know what this entails. Hopefully when I get OpenGL incorporated it will rise to this level.

BTW: Double Click the text rectangle to select the font.


Darrel  :8)


You can download a trial version of PSP from here.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Fixed the *.png and *.jpg writers. Added Accelerators.


Darrel  :8)


Quote from: PBrennick on October 04, 2006, 09:56:27 PM
And how about a REDO function?  You would just walk the UNDO chain in reverse.


The Repeat function does this.


Darrel   :8)


Excellent, I love this program.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


QuoteABITMAPEDITOR caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 018f:bff73641.
EAX=00000000 CS=018f EIP=bff73641 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=f73c0065 SS=0197 ESP=f6f00000 EBP=0065f708
ECX=00000000 DS=0197 ESI=87600000 FS=803f
EDX=17570000 ES=0197 EDI=f6f00000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
5f 5e c9 c2 0c 00 52 51 33 c0 48 50 50 65 ff 32
Stack dump:
This is a very reproducable error in my Win98 System.  It happens whenever I open the 'Edit' menu, whether by clicking on it or scrolling through from the neighbouring menus as you do...

Also, on the File Menu, the Open and Save As both have one of those unknown character blocks at the end.  And File->New isn't even there...

So some problems then.  Life is hard.  E-mail me for more info if you like.


Quote from: TheGreatJason on October 13, 2006, 10:57:20 PM
QuoteABITMAPEDITOR caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 018f:bff73641.
EAX=00000000 CS=018f EIP=bff73641 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=f73c0065 SS=0197 ESP=f6f00000 EBP=0065f708
ECX=00000000 DS=0197 ESI=87600000 FS=803f
EDX=17570000 ES=0197 EDI=f6f00000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
5f 5e c9 c2 0c 00 52 51 33 c0 48 50 50 65 ff 32
Stack dump:
This is a very reproducable error in my Win98 System.  It happens whenever I open the 'Edit' menu, whether by clicking on it or scrolling through from the neighbouring menus as you do...

Also, on the File Menu, the Open and Save As both have one of those unknown character blocks at the end.  And File->New isn't even there...

So some problems then.  Life is hard.  E-mail me for more info if you like.

I just tested the program on Win '95 and had the same problem. The Accelerator keys for the Edit Menu will not work either.

Can put 3 .'s in place of the unknown character for Win '95 and '98. Just haven't got around to doing the New function yet.

Will had a note to the first post that my program does not work on Win '95 or '98.

Thanks for letting me know about this problem. Don't know when I will ever have time to check and see why it is uncapatible with Win '95 and Win '98


Darrel  :8)


I will try piecing the program back together in steps this weekend and see if I can find a solution.


Added New File Option. Now works on Win '95 and I assume Win '98.


Darrel   :8)


Added Thumbnail View. Fixed a problem with combination of Zoom level other than 100% and pasting. Plus a few minor adjustments.


Darrel  :8)

Edit: Fixed a problem associated with the New File option.


This is really turning into something special. Keep up the good work!

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Your project has been promoted to 'Only working multi-image icon editing freeware application on my PC'!! :U  (At least, it's free now.  I don't know what you have planned for the future...)

It's totally clutter free on screen and I love that.

Once you have fully achieved the main functions of MSPaint and ImagEdit you should set your aims higher.  Take for example this program called Icon Craft I found (just a trial version, but it is useful for those 7 files of which I have used 1 and used the export option instead from then on...)  Download the trial version and compare it.  Only real difference is that there are many more colour/imaging effects and they made a huge palette on the side for many colours and huge icons to go with it.  Oh and the transparency thing might be quite important too...  And the big pixel grid to work in is useful sometimes but not absolutely necessary.

There are a few noticable problems with yours at the moment though.  Main one for me is how it handles the multiple image icons.  Not that it handles them very much at all yet...  You see when you open a multi-image icon they all appear on the side.  That's great!  Exactly what we want it to do.  To change onto one you have to double-click on it.  Single-click would be better I think...  No big problem there though.  But if you edit one of them and then change to another, all the edits you have made suddenly disappear on the icon size you were editing...???  And if you try to save the file itself to stop this happening, you find that only the image that was selected is saved, by its poor little self.  We want the whole collection to be saved. 

Other noticable problems: when you move the paintbrush around the highlighted pixel to edit lags WAY behind the pointer (my PC is slow so it picks up program performance problems really well...).  I had a similar problem doing something like this in VB with a moving object, and I did find a solution, but I'll have to look back to remember it.  I think it has something to do with how the window behind it is redrawn...  In fact, if I remember correctly, the fact that there was heavy drawing going on in the cycle and not just a plain background was the main reason it suddenly went slow.  I'll get back to you on it.  Also, when you move the paintbrush off the image, the pixel just stays there.  Oh, and that giving the textbox focus thing still hasn't happened yet.

Anyway, excellent work so far, and I hope I haven't been too critical of it.  That's just the way I work... :toothy  I hope you will continue to develop this software, and if it gets much better I might stop using that silly shareware application.  How much time have you spent on it so far?


I already gave you a link to PSP which I have used a lot over the past few years. Another one worth looking at is Pixel Editor. The nice thing about this program is it accelerates the development of buttons, etc. for webpages.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
And the big pixel grid to work in is useful sometimes but not absolutely necessary.

Would a Zoom of 1600% suffice and/or do we want an actual grid?

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
There are a few noticable problems with yours at the moment though.  Main one for me is how it handles the multiple image icons.  Not that it handles them very much at all yet...  You see when you open a multi-image icon they all appear on the side.  That's great!  Exactly what we want it to do.  To change onto one you have to double-click on it.  Single-click would be better I think...  No big problem there though.  But if you edit one of them and then change to another, all the edits you have made suddenly disappear on the icon size you were editing...???  And if you try to save the file itself to stop this happening, you find that only the image that was selected is saved, by its poor little self.  We want the whole collection to be saved.

Sometimes when we grab the mouse, we unintentionally click it, this is why I made the change to take place on a double-click.

Do we want to automatically save changes to an image of a multiple image file, when we select another image or do we want to express our disire to save the changes? Do we want to be able to save a multiple image file under another name or overwite the existing file? Is it okay if we are limited to changing the pixel data (Not be able to change size or color depth.) of an image in a multiple image file?

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
Other noticable problems: when you move the paintbrush around the highlighted pixel to edit lags WAY behind the pointer (my PC is slow so it picks up program performance problems really well...).

Does a selected portion of the bitmap or pasted bitmap with transparency lag as bad when you move it around the surface of the main bitmap?

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
Also, when you move the paintbrush off the image, the pixel just stays there.

Microsoft's Paint program does the same thing if you have another window partially covering it. I will work on a fix tho.

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
Oh, and that giving the textbox focus thing still hasn't happened yet.

It has now.

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
I hope I haven't been too critical of it.

Praise-Critique-Praise: What's not to like? I thought you framed the critique quite nicely.

Quote from: Lowly J on October 26, 2006, 10:34:57 PM
How much time have you spent on it so far?

Don't know how much time I have invested. Been working on it a Year and a half, off and on.


Darrel  :8)


Good job  :U You almost successfully reverse engineered all the features mighty mspaint had and added many new & good ones. However, you cannot get professional results using just GDI, all the good stuff: anti aliasing (when you want really round circle) gradients; comes with GDI+ unless you want reinvent wheels