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simple addition (newbie style)

Started by timetraveler, November 14, 2005, 10:39:40 PM

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I'm new to assembler, and very new to GoAsm.  I am in desperate need of code that will accept two user inputs, add them together and display the result.  I'm completely at a loss as to how to accomplish it, and hope someone will take pity on me.  Thanks to whomever responds.


Hi to you,

I'm not quite sure I  understand what your looking to accomplish.  Can you share anything else that could help. Displaying the result of an addition, the combination of two string, etc..  Is this to be displayed in console ?



I'm looking for a simple integer addition program that will run from a dos command prompt.  it asks the user to input the first value, then the second value, then it adds them and displays the result.



Quote from: bushpilot on November 15, 2005, 12:07:54 AM


exactly right bushpilot, I'm in class right now.  The instructor cleared me to acquire this project by any and all means, so he's fine with someone else writing it for me, as long as I can figure it out.


Quote from: timetraveler on November 15, 2005, 12:30:28 AM

  The instructor cleared me to acquire this project by any and all means, so he's fine with someone else writing it for me, as long as I can figure it out.
Any teacher/professor who said that should tear up his teaching accredation papers and look for a new job!
Btw, if you are asking people here to write your homework assignment for you, you will find they will not.
If you show you are trying, and produce some code that you wrote, and need help with, you will probably get the help.
ALSO read the no homework rule posted elsewhere on this board.

God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO



truth be told, the instructor doesn't specialize in assembly, so he would have trouble doing this project.   It's not an assembly class, just computer architecture, and no, I don't pay much.
  After a week of endless failures regarding this project, I had no workable code to show, so I called for help.  I wouldn't have asked if I had known the scope of my request:  My class was very impressed when one of our classmates got the project down to 200 lines of code plus documentation in FASM.

I withdraw my request.


WHO can tell me?
where i can meet the instruction of masm32
and its example?


Hi suiluj,

Welcome on board. While this is the suforum for GoAsm the question you ask is an easy one to handle that all assemblers require. Go to the Intel site from the link above

"Forum Links and Website"

and download the full Pentium 4 manual set. Thety are a bit complicated to start with but the complete instruction set for x86 Intel procesors are in Manual 2 and it is the best reference material available. If you can find the time the 1st manula also has very good architecture reference so its worth reading as you will understand a lot more by doing so.
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