RadASM released (06-19-2006)

Started by KetilO, June 19, 2006, 07:11:26 PM

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Whats new:
o Fixed typo enviroment -> environment
  - IMPORTANT: This affects all programming language ini files that uses environment.
o Updated CppParse.dll
  - Adds support for unions in cpp, bcc and lcc.
o Made it possible to make addins in programming languages other than assembly.
  - added InstallDllEx function (returns pointer to an ADDINHOOKS structure).
  - Added support for CDECL calling convention in InstallDllEx, GetOptions and DllProc functions.
o Ctrl+E can now be used to expand individual parts in an collapsed if-else if-else-end if block.
o Added Video Player custom control, RAVideo.
o Improved api, sub and function call code complete and tooltip for all hll's.
o Updated Toolbar creator to export in FreeBASIC format.
o Many updates to the FreeBASIC distribution.
o Tools menu file parameter $$ added. Will use the current open tabs filename as the file parameter.



MASM32 Project/RadASM mirror - http://ghirai.com/hutch/mmi.html


Thank you!

And one stupid question: How do i use Ctrl+E? (I am on TASM)  :D

I would also like to suggest "open all" and "colapse all" buttons for the project tree and groups.
Because in huge or big projects like Solar_OS and/or HE_RTS it is pretty hard to reopen / close all groups in the project

An one extra thing I have noticed on 16biits parts (OS development of boot or loader part).

If there are many references with segments like this:

mov eax, ds:ebx.Structure_name.structure_member

IF I press the key "[" in front of letter "d" then RADASM will add a "]" after the ":" and this is very hard to compensate.
So I would sugest an option to ignore ":" as a separator.
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.


Hi Bogdan

See the RadASM bugtest
