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Document Considerations

Started by Statix Star, January 09, 2005, 07:04:35 AM

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Statix Star

Hope you had change to the UK Linux Servers, also I see the XML or XHTML and it's impressing me, the size is reduce at a large point. If I learn HTML too with optimize all the techniques, I will assure that the important websites for us run faster than ever.
In my mind, I was thinking a format like Word, ACR, HTML, GUI document. Word has many things such as formatting, IDE, font styles, bloated code, and fame. HTML the PSDK setup impress me but the colors and images takes too much space and some poor graphics. Etc. Well, I don't really in that level to do it. Hopes that Linux later versions gets better to fix bugs.

My doc for masm32 still seems that I don't want to develop it now; I'm still practicing at the same time HLA, HTML(not much), x8086, Masm32 and C. If someone who has the time to make it, well the Iczelion Tutorials seems fine but I know there can be much easier for beginners. The book was a goal to be publish so more people could learn asm32; I was planning too for masm. Informal Projects, you can get a copy for these documents.

The goal project that I was developing, I got bore developing seems I don't have much knowledge for HMTL. My friend is going to
send me the ACR don't know which ver to develop in PDF. I see to Iczelion's Doc and I see that he modify something to make it
take less space. As far as I see, The guide I develop for pascal. Please make a comment or rate it; I don't care if it's rated poor. The only main thing was to contribute for a
fast guide learning it in 1 week or so(depend on the user.) It wasn't very descriptive, all I did was give a flash tutor to morale up
users to learn System Engineer.   



Statix Star,
I had come across similar problems and had complaints that .doc format to convey information needed purchasing the MS Office suite or at least MS Word. I'm not sure about that but the .doc files are bulky, PDF is truely platform independant and the PDF reader is free. the produced file size is much smaller for download but the difficulty for copy and pasting code probably makes it a poor choice for you. I must admit, Iczillons tutorials in html format is probably the best option where the file size is reasonable, easy to copy and paste blocks of code and is platform independant. you can also include very easy navigation.

Cats and women do as they please
Dogs and men should realise it.


Only a little sugestion ;).

What about latex?

There exist a LyX (a latex editor?? with his own format) version for Windows, for myself in Linux was a very nice editor, automatic generation of navigation, automatic autoreference (like tags in html), interesting concepts I dont know if they are inherited from latex... is very nice I think, the compilers for this language generate pdf files or dvi :), also if Im not wrong there should exist translators for example to html or txt... ;).

I plan to do my future works (home works) and other things I hae in mind with latex :).


At one time Microsoft had a free Word 97 Viewer. Microsoft does not seem to be distributing it anymore, but they do have a newer version, available here, that will work with Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP. In addition to doc it can open rtf, txt, htm, html, mhl, mhtml, wpd, wps, and xml.
eschew obfuscation

Statix Star

hey rea are there any bloated code in making the docs :green that's what had been taunting me. You should check this
(instead of)

It takes much less space in a zip.
I do not plan to learn HTML but, because I noted some deffects I founded in the code, I had decided but; if latex does everything for me, then we don't need to worry to learn html. I probably use latex to publish in other type of docs. 
Just one question; should we help linux improve their os?
:wink I don't betray masm and ms; only improving an OS for the good of the site. I remember last year some guy in programmersheaven told me to download nasm; but I was a complete new, I couldn't know how to use it.
If I learn fast I first might want to make the tuts for masm, but for html it's till unknown. Which projects do you have in mind?

Statix Star

rea I founded Latex but it takes me to a directory for ftp and I can see the files and then when I
download it it saids 18 hours.


Linux have suport, dont know how to improve it because you should know the kernell, but help can be done in the side of applications. 

For my self I have watched I have a bunch of projects to do, then I think should be best stop sayind that I have a project and do it, then my answer to you is that you will see them and pheraphs have interest in, but if I not do them there is no sense in say it, and you can ignorate me, you will see if I doit only after that will be nice to take care of this man (I) ;). Is something like try to be less words more action ;).

For latex you can try this one:

Download the small (22Mb), you can download later other packages, after that, install it, and setup the path for use it in the command line, there is a bin directory ;) inside the installation dir.

After that open a cmd window and in a empty dir type
>latex sample2e
also is installed a dvi viewer you can type in the console after that command >sample2e.dvi
and you will look at the dvi file (with a application installed also by miktex called yap) :D.

This one is for Windows :), you can download a text editor (with highlight for latex), you see is some like use a compiler: install it, setup the search path, test the installation, download a favorite enviroment for edition :D.

Actually Im a begginer with latex or tex, but I think is nice, I have started in LyX in Linux, there is a version for Windows but havent test it :).


In the case that you still interested I recommend this ones ;).


That should be suficient, for example I like that I dont need to make the index for my documents, aka when I present a work for the school and I need to make the index, scroll down for see iin what page is, that is garbage... with this is automatic ;).


For viewing any MS-Office series of documents you guys should check out  It's a free open-source office suit compatible with all the MS document formats and also allows its own format, and in addition being able to export PDF's should you need it.


I have it, but havent watched it with the pdf ;).

Anyway, I guess I will take the side of TeX for do my future homeworks :), I only need to take one format for the reports or make my own.

Also I recommend to use for do images in EPS formatt

and for do some plots, dont know the diferent things with for example Mathematica or MatLab (I even know them), but octave look nice, also you can insert you "plots" in EPS.

Dont remember if octave have a viewer, but anyway if it dosent have, this programm will help you ;) You will need install ghost script in order to install the viewer.