One source, one Assembler and Multiple Platforms ...

Started by James Ladd, June 01, 2006, 07:06:52 AM

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James Ladd

Attached is a Gnu Assembler project that demonstrates one set of source,
one assembler and two target platforms !!

If you want to try it you need cygwin under Windows and any version of

The linux bit has a minor problem with linking in that I havent done conditional
linking for the .so and .so.a - Maybe someone could help me with this ?

Now I have a starting point for my multi-platform assembler projects !

Rgs, James.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: James Ladd on June 01, 2006, 07:06:52 AM
The linux bit has a minor problem with linking in that I havent done conditional
linking for the .so and .so.a - Maybe someone could help me with this ?

Can't help you there as I'm not big with GAS. One thing to watch out for though, when you start adding support for LibC routines, you will need to remind users that older versions of LibC will require an underscore before the procedure names, while newer versions do not.

Quote from: James Ladd on June 01, 2006, 07:06:52 AM
Now I have a starting point for my multi-platform assembler projects!

Congradulations! I felt the same way when I added the LibC.mac file to my Nasm32 project (which does basically the same thing except uses LibC exclusively rather than system calls and supports a lot of HL constructs [IF/ELSEIF/ELSE/ENDIF, SWITCH/CASE, etc] such as an invoke macro which cleans up the stack for cdecl calls).


Quote from: James Ladd on June 01, 2006, 07:06:52 AM
If you want to try it you need cygwin under Windows and any version of linux.

I thought Cygwin was basically a Linux emulator for Windows (thought I've never used it). Or is it more than/different from that?

James Ladd


Cygwin brings the Gnu tool chain to Windows and a lot fo the Linux commands and functionality.
Think of it as the smallest linux installation you can have that runs alongside of Windows and
goes away when you close the command prompt/shell.

Using cygwin I can use all of the bash shell commands and features, like sed/awk/ac etc
and also each of the Gnu tools like 'make' and 'as' and the files will run unchanged from
under linux.

What I do is edit and work through the source on my XP box using cygwin, then in cygwin
I ssh (secure shell login) to my linux box and run exactly the same makefile and source
and it compiles and runs under linux. Very simple.

Rgs, James.