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large-scale scaling

Started by redskull, June 04, 2006, 01:04:09 AM

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When processing arrays in a loop, i often write out the code as  "array[counter*SIZEOF array]", which usually works well enough (with counter as a register that get's incremented by 1s from 0 to LENGTHOF array).  However, when I try to use the same method with an array of structures, everything falls apart pretty quickly and I get 'invalid scaling' errors.  From what i've gathered by searching, apparently the scaling factor can only be 1,2,4,or 8, so trying to use SIZEOF with a structure over 8 bytes is no good; can someone confirm or deny this?  So if I have a an array of elements of some large structure, what is the most elegant way to access it?  The way i've got it now is using a loop counter going from 0 to SIZEOF 'array', and then ADDing SIZEOF 'structure' instead of INCing it.  Is there a better way i'm not seeing?

Thanks as always

regards, alan
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


The scaling factors allow you to do the multiplication implicitly, but yes only by 1, 2, 4, or 8. If you need to multiply by another number, then you'll need to do it explicitly.
Although multiplying every loop is a bit of an overhead (multiply is fairly slow, though you can often replace it with a series of shifts and adds) so simply adding on the size of each element is probably the best way to go.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


You can use this macro (from my ASM Runtime package - link in signature) for it. I haven't benchmarked most of the combinations but they should all be faster than a straight out MUL.

Set 'canusereg' to a scratch register or leave it blank to use the stack. This is only used for multiplying by 7 so far.


Zooba :U

mult MACRO dest:REQ, src:REQ, canusereg
    LOCAL tmp
    IF ((OPATTR dest) AND 10000b) EQ 0
        GOTO fullmult
    IF ((OPATTR src) AND 100b)
        IF src EQ 0
            xor     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 1

        ELSEIF src EQ 2
            add     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 3
            lea     dest, [dest*2+dest]
        ELSEIF src EQ 4
            add     dest, dest
            add     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 5
            lea     dest, [dest*4+dest]
        ELSEIF src EQ 6
            lea     dest, [dest*2+dest]
            add     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 7
            IFNB <canusereg>
                mov canusereg, dest
                lea dest, [dest*8]
                sub dest, canusereg
                mov [esp-4], dest
                lea dest, [dest*8]
                sub dest, [esp-4]
        ELSEIF src EQ 8
            lea     dest, [dest*8]
        ELSEIF src EQ 9
            lea     dest, [dest*8+dest]
        ELSEIF src EQ 10
            lea     dest, [dest*4+dest]
            add     dest, dest

        ELSEIF src EQ 12
            lea     dest, [dest*2+dest]
            shl     dest, 2
        ELSEIF src EQ 16
            lea     dest, [dest*8]
            add     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 20
            lea     dest, [dest*4+dest]
            add     dest, dest
            add     dest, dest
        ELSEIF src EQ 24
            lea     dest, [dest*2+dest]
            lea     dest, [dest*8]

        ELSEIF src EQ 28
            add     dest, dest
            add     dest, dest
            lea     dest, [dest*8-dest]

        ELSEIF src EQ 32
            add     dest, dest
            add     dest, dest
            lea     dest, [dest*8]

        ELSEIF src EQ 36
            lea     dest, [dest*8+dest]
            lea     dest, [dest*4]

        ELSEIF src EQ 40
            add     dest, dest
            lea     dest, [dest*8+dest]
            add     dest, dest
            add     dest, dest

            GOTO fullmult
        GOTO fullmult

    IFDIFI <dest>, <ecx>
        push    ecx
    IFDIFI <dest>, <edx>
        push    edx
    IFDIFI <dest>, <eax>
        push    eax
        mov     eax, dest
    xor     edx, edx
    mov     ecx, src
    mul     ecx
    IFDIFI <dest>, <eax>
        mov     dest, eax
        pop     eax
    IFDIFI <dest>, <edx>
        pop     edx
    IFDIFI <dest>, <ecx>
        pop     ecx


Quote from: Tedd on June 04, 2006, 06:21:48 AM
The scaling factors allow you to do the multiplication implicitly, but yes only by 1, 2, 4, or 8. If you need to multiply by another number, then you'll need to do it explicitly.
Although multiplying every loop is a bit of an overhead (multiply is fairly slow, though you can often replace it with a series of shifts and adds) so simply adding on the size of each element is probably the best way to go.
but LEA is fast
first a lea to scale
followed by mov that scales it yet x2,x4,x8 for example
lea eax,[ebx*8] ;scale by 8
mov eax,[eax*8] ;scale by 8x8



If you need to do it fast, create 2 arrays, one array of data and the other an array of pointers to the data. Have a look at this module in the MASM32 library.

create_array proc acnt:DWORD,asize:DWORD
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thanks to everybody, those are all great ideas, that i probably would of never thought of.  You guys truley are mavens :U
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


 I just add (SIZEOF array) to ecx.  I don't see anything wrong with it. 
It's better to use ADD  instead of INC anyway.

Mark Jones

Quote from: savage on June 04, 2006, 06:43:24 PM
It's better to use ADD  instead of INC anyway.

On Intel architectures anyways. :P
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08