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install/run issues

Started by ieatlotsapaste, June 01, 2006, 04:04:05 AM

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I am just starting a summer class where we are using MASM.  When I try to build/run a program written in TextPad, I keep getting this same error message: 'ML' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."  This happens no matter what the file is that I'm trying to run, even the sample ones from the book's CD.  Any suggestions on how to fix this or why this is happening?  Thanx



You will have to tell us a bit more but from first glance, it sounds like the build technique you are using does not contain the correct path to ML an/or link. You should also tell us what the book is.
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The book that I am using is Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers 4th edition by Kip Irvine.  The MASM version that I am installing is MASM615.  MASM is going directly to the C:\ drive, not in any folder like Program Files or anything.  I followed the directions that came with the book and that my teacher gave me, but my teacher is also stumped as to what the message is.


This may sound stupid but when you copyed off the CD maybe some how, I am not sure how
but, just maybe the extentions got messed up? check the files with the dir command see if
they have .exe ect couse it sounds like DOS can't find a COM, EXE, BAT ect to run under
the name you type.

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That's the message I usually see from a command prompt window.

Either you need to add or edit the necessary environment variables (PATH is the one creating the message), or you need to use full paths in all your file references (including the executable files).

For software you use frequently, it's convenient to change the set of persistent environment variables. Under XP, these can be changed from the System Properties, under the Advanced tab.

If you don't want to change the existing environment variables, you can use a batch file to temporarily change the environment variables for each individual command window. Every time you open a command prompt window, you run the batch file. It won't propagate to other command prompt windows, and it's undone when you close the window.
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8



Here is a simple batch file that show the method that Tenkey has suggested.

With the three "set" lines, you will need to set the path for each variable to the correct one.

Make sure you have ML.EXE, LINK.EXE and RC.EXE if you need it all in the same directory and set that dir to BIN in this example.

@echo off

: ------------------------------
: set the environment variables
: ------------------------------
set BIN=\MASM32\BIN\
set LIB=\MASM32\LIB\

: -------------------------
: assemble the source file
: -------------------------
%BIN%ml.exe /c /coff "yourfile.asm"

: --------------------------------------------
: link the object module and set the lib path
: --------------------------------------------
%BIN%Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /LIBPATH:%LIB% "yourfile.obj"

dir yourfile.*

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There should have been a make32.bat included that temporarily changes the PATH variable, to C:\Masm615 for the default configuration. Apparently, ML, a linker named Link32, and Irvine32.lib are all in the same directory.

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