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Send and recieve files per winsock

Started by Ar-ras, April 07, 2006, 02:27:05 AM

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i am writing a ftp server, but i don't know how to send and recieve a file


There is a program that does that on Iczelion's website.  I have been told it is not that great but I use it all the time and never have any problems with it.  At least it will give you direction.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


You don't know how FTP should send/receive files? will give you more information than you can swallow, regarding how FTP works.

Or you don't know how to get your program to send/receive data (which is files in this case)?
Then I think you might want to experiment with something a little simpler first - a little program to send and receive text. Not wanting to stamp out your enthusiasm, but there are a few things you need to understand first, and making it simpler makes it easier to grasp. Plus, there will be more in the way of examples/help for this. Once you understand how to send text, files/data/anything is actually exactly the same.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


To send and recieve text is no problem

Does Winsock has an own function to send and recieve files or must i open the files and send it in "raw" method?


Winsock itself doesn't really provide such support.
But you're in luck..
Look for the functions named "ftp....." :toothy
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Okay I try

Another problem...
How can I make multiple connection?

I use sparcz telnet server to write the ftp server

thx Ar-ras


Multiple connections:
- create connection 1
- create connection 2
- create connection 3
- ......

(They're all separate connections - that's how you do it.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.