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Some questions

Started by Colino, April 05, 2006, 01:33:47 PM

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i'm a student, and i must study assembler and i have some questions:

1)I must do a progam in witch there is an array of integers , and if the element of array is divisible for 3 do a message

2)i'm looking for free good tutorials or guide for assembler can you help me?

sorry for my english...


The MASM32 package has multiple help files and tutorials, current version is 9.   


welcome on board. After reading those examples try to write some code. If it won't work post it in here and help will be soon.
Russia is a weird place

Mark Jones

Hi Colino. Arrays work a little different in MASM32, in fact there is no structure type called "Array." But you can achieve the same thing with a STRUCT. Here is a basic struct with 5 elements:

    one     DD ?
    two     DD ?
    three   DD ?
    four    DD ?
    five    DD ?
MyStruct ENDS

For a full explanation of how structs work, please see \masm32\help\asmintro.hlp, under "Working With Structures."

Have fun and welcome to the group! :U
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Code snippet

  numarray   dd 100 dup (0)       ; zero based array  0 to 99,  each initialized to 0
  szDiv3Msg  db "Divides 3 evenly",0
  szCaption  db "Division by 3 tests.",0

  mov ecx, 3
  mov esi, 0    ; this is where the loop index should be initialized
;    mov esi, 0  ; not here inside the loop
    mov edx, 0
    mov eax, [numarray + esi*4]
    div ecx
    .if edx == 0       ; edx has the remainder
       invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR szDiv3Msg,ADDR szCaption,MB_OK
    inc esi
  .until esi >= 100   ; elements 0 to 99


there is a lil bug "mov   esi,0" must be out of cycle to avoid infinite loop.
Russia is a weird place



My mistake good catch.

It was a quick example to show array declaration and traversal.