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Time-based User Interface toy

Started by davk, January 16, 2006, 12:47:13 AM

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Here is a little toy (which has grown...) that may be useful.

It certainly has been for me learing Windows programming!.

regards to all


[attachment deleted by admin]


it's certainly an interesting project! It's also useful in browsing large image galleries. After waiting a few minutes for the indexing, I stared in disbelief when it actually returned that it has indexed almost 1 million files, and preview of the images (out of these files) was ready in an instant.
I also found out that I had many files with corrupt create/modify dates... 2007 to 2026...  (not a bug of your app), these ones f***ed up the search for the last pictures I've drawn/edited and files I've modified recently. (maybe add an option to ignore such files?)

Anyway, probably I'll be saying it on behalf of everybody that tried your app - brilliant work  :U !
After almost a month I finally decided to reply ^^", sorry

Just in case you need feedback on what should be added, here's my list:
- the files with corrupt dates - an option to ignore them
- if file previews were rendered in 256x256 initially, and when their panels move forward/backward - BltStretch that bitmap accordingly, instead of Blt
- maybe a bit better graphics for the interface, but this is something coders rarely can do, so don't worry about it at all

keep up the good work  :U
oh, and never feel down if there's no feedback .... this is actually usual, especially with well-working software
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.

Mincho Georgiev

I really like it  :U
The only one small thing, on my PC,in the fist time config dialog the bottom one static is need 1 line more tho show the full text, i.e. it says:
Quotemouse to the right edge of the screen shows the Tui...
and the next line is not entirely visible.
But anyway it's cool!


Thanks for the feedback guys!.

For the last month I have been on to other things so Tui has been
pretty much forgotten...


The future file date gets me every now and again also - generally I pick
it up when running scandisk. Not sure about not showing them though
cause really they need to be re-dated. Could be a hassle if you have a
lot of them!.

The image previews are rendered with the gdiplus system within which
I used the plain scaling api and a fixed size to scale to. This seemed to
be the fastest way to do it however is the slowest part of the display -
which you can see if you turn off thumbnailing.


Opologies for the start dialog box - I use a 17 inch crt at 1024 x 768 for
developing and noticed the problem on my old laptop - I think because
the text scaling is a bit more coarse with an lcd screen.


Quote from: davk on February 14, 2006, 05:58:13 PM
Opologies for the start dialog box - I use a 17 inch crt at 1024 x 768 for
developing and noticed the problem on my old laptop - I think because
the text scaling is a bit more coarse with an lcd screen.

I have a 19' LCD (samsung 913N, 1280x1024), i seem to have the same problem.
MASM32 Project/RadASM mirror -


Now that I have your attention, this is a minor fix for the Time based
UI toy which sorts the hidden text problem (I hope) - see the areadme.txt

However the most common feedback from local users is surprise at just
what is lying around on the shared/family/office computer!. You know, the
stuff that mysteriously finds its way into the browsing history and so on...

Never mind the vicarious thrill of sitting back and letting it just
scroll thru all those thousands (?!) of family photos.

So it has now been recristened as 'FamilyPhotoFinda'.


With apologies for modifying your post, we don't need to have this type of title come up in search results. hutch--

[attachment deleted by admin]


Mincho Georgiev

Hm, Works just fine on my System.  :thumbu


what am I doing it because my windows is a Portuguese version? Crash and burn saying there´s a ´stack overflow´


Quote from: joddy on March 29, 2006, 11:00:37 AM
what am I doing it because my windows is a Portuguese version? Crash and burn saying there´s a ´stack overflow´
Hi joddy,

Don't know what is happening for you. At what point does it crash?. Tui uses a recursive directory search which
uses the stack extensively.
As far as language is concerned you may want to look at the default language code in the initial setup.



Some notes:
1.  On the first time run, there is clipping in the dialog box, a couple of the lines of text are missing.

2. The menu that is shown on the right side of the screen appears to not function well.  I can only get Time and Exit to work.

Just thought you might want to know.  Perhaps the error in #2 is on my part?  Seems like Search, at the very least, should always be an active button.  <shrug>



Quote from: Casper on April 01, 2006, 05:34:50 AM
Some notes:
1.  On the first time run, there is clipping in the dialog box, a couple of the lines of text are missing.

2. The menu that is shown on the right side of the screen appears to not function well.  I can only get Time and Exit to work.

Just thought you might want to know.  Perhaps the error in #2 is on my part?  Seems like Search, at the very least, should always be an active button.  <shrug>



Have you the later version posted above - should fix your point 1, if not, errk.

When you have the desktop up you will only see the Time and Exit buttons active.
The others are only active when the Time window is up.
