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Hutchs editor cantankerous is the word

Started by koets, March 30, 2006, 01:36:27 PM

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So i am the old school programmer, picking up the pieces,
and by now or never, making his start with a first windoz application.

Still used to screen routines i decided to tweak an old jumples brezenham routine
into a window square.
Let me cook, boil and suffer here for a while.

What i miss is my old m$ m.exe editor whith its macro power ,it came with masm 5.1....

Nah, back to the future.

As a replacement for my editor i found queditor, in 98 that was,
and i am using this program ever since.
As hexeditor ,simple dissassembler and regdll32 %1 stuff that is

Because what Quedit didnt do was assembling, and putting you on the source line that made
the errror.

So lets make a script as it is called nowadays for that.

Mmm thats nice

Replace but no find ; Need that for finding (Linenum) in ml.out
No convert highlight to numer or var as you may call it; need that for reading Linenum
Gotoline unknown command ; think you can guess where you need this for.

This was the case then
and first thing i looked for when masm32 9 installed was de script section in qeditor.hlp,
its still the case now.

But maybe someone has written a plugin for that,so lets
visit the masm32 forum

Learned a lot there, even had to do an dictionary lookup for cantankerous,
but thats just the word for my relation with qedit.

Mmm, found a few topics containing the word script, even a promis to visit
the inners of qedit in the near future.

Well if the signs and stars seem to be alright then
maybe now it is the time to ask for implementation of these things.


Donot be shy my son,
you may take an extra 64 kb of memory if you feel you realy need to.



I long ago learnt that you cannot make everyone happy, QE is a plain ascii (ANSI) text editor with programmable menus and scripting support. Over the years I have suggestions to make it like the Borland IDE, then Microsoft IDE then like Notepad and of course many others. I personally use it for asm, basic and C coding as well as plain text and various scripting dialects and it also has this cantankerous habit of running on an ancient VGA monitor in 16 colour on win95b on a 486(DX) with 8 meg of memory.

Notwithstanding such irritations, if you want the error position, try CTRL+G for the Goto Line Number dialog, thats what I put it there for. As you can imagine, a small footprint scripting engine is no joy to either write or later modify and while I have recently coded a far more powerful one that is far faster, I have not committed it particularly to QE as I need a more general purpose one that is freestanding for tasks I have in mind for it.

The option you always have is to set up another editor/IDE that has the facilities you require, there are various well written ones available that may come closer to your requirements but note that they are usually a lot bigger than QE and they commit you to the IDE concept which is something QE does not do, its a plain ascii editor.
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