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HLA quick start tutorials?

Started by gwapo, February 16, 2006, 01:55:26 AM

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I downloaded HLA (downloaded it from a newsgroup), and got little confused about the differences of its construction in other assemblers' syntax. Other said that it ressembles PASCAL, but I never coded 1 line of pascal before...could anybody point me to the correct quick "how to" guide in HLA? I really like to learn this stuff (I got too much free time, so I dont mind reading lengthy documentation as long as I'm learning from it).

What I'm looking for is, actually an equivalent or differences between MASM and HLA, and other stuffs that are introduced to HLA.

Another: Is it possible to use HLA in Visual Studio.NET or in WinASM Studio?




The best tutorial is Art of Assembly and the HLA Refernce manual.  You can browse the online version at webser (the same place you downloaded HLA.  There is also an hlaexamples package which contains translated Iczelion's tutorials and an incomplete, yet useful online book Windows Programming in Assembly.

You can also find many user submitted code at aoaprogramming Yahoo group and at my site.


Another: Is it possible to use HLA in Visual Studio.NET or in WinASM Studio?

I'm not familiar with either of those IDEs, however if they allow setting up command-line tools, you should be able to use them.
Other ones that I know work with HLA are RadAsm, and my HIDE (HLA IDE) package.  RadAsm has a forum here and you can get the latest version of HIDE at aoaprogramming files section, or the previous version at the link under my sig.


Thanks Sevag.K,

I downloaded all the reference and documents (this will keep me busy for a while), I also downloaded both RadASM and HIDE. I'll see if I can make HLA in other IDEs too, thanks a lot.
