Scintilla Component in a static library, compatible with MASM32

Started by Mincho Georgiev, February 16, 2006, 10:16:41 PM

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Mincho Georgiev

Honastly, it was mutch more difficult that it seems on first look, but anyway.
I have made some minor changes in the Scintilla source code and i also add some things into
so the lib can be fully compatible with masm32. For any bugs, let me know. Here is the place to thank to RAMGURU,who did translate Scintilla.h already!
I had attached a small example to show how to buld apllication with the static Scintilla.
As usual, thanks for reply!

Mincho Georgiev

Well  ::), maybe i'm too tired ,you can just copy and paste them into your browser, or you can tell me how to do it  :bg

Mincho Georgiev


Now this is something i call Wonderful. :U
:clap: :clap: :clap:


Pretty cool, Shaka_Zulu, but ... yeah there is at least one but:
* I don't know how did you make the lib, I recompile scintilla very frequently... the standalone thing itself is a nice idea... the first that I've thougth of, but couldn't figured out how.

Here is more advanced example of scintilla... say hello to upcomming opensource IDE (joking :) )... I've modified asm lexer so it has folding feature, is able to hilight comment block (and fold it), what can I say take a look... (size-128Kb)


The example is very interesting.  I like what I see.  Does the DLL support wordwrap?

EDIT:  WordWrap is not really necessary if the build is going to be a code editor.  I just want to know what my options are.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I have updated sciIDE now it has menu item view->wordwrap (invoke SciSend, SciPTR, SCI_SETWRAPMODE, 1, 0). You can use every function as stated in scintilla DOCUMENTATION, I have only updated (some removed) asm lexer, it doesn't interfere with main control source.


I'm sold, I have struggled with RichEdit for a long time.  Now, it is time to play with something else.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Have you guys looked at Ketil's RAEdit?

I started with Scintilla a couple years ago and moved to RAEdit because it is easier to interface to, is much smaller, and is written in asm.



The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mincho Georgiev

Hello, Friends.
In the previous release, after Ramguru post his example, i had note that the .CRT section is not properly initialized from Scintilla static library.
Now everything is fine and the control is working fine from the .lib. The only one thing is that the entry point is in the static ,so the .CRT section to be fully functional. In order to do that you just have to name the main proc in your ASM App "ProgramStartUp" with no arguments.
I had made this small editor just to make sure that everything is fine. Please ,if anyone is interested, test the library for me.

Scintiila v.1.67 /ASM Lexer Only/

[attachment deleted by admin]

Mincho Georgiev

Quotethe .CRT section to be fully
By that i mean that the .CRT will not exist in your Application  :toothy

Here's the example.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Mincho Georgiev

And i just want to add something ,
If you use ml.exe v 6.15 and link.exe 5.12 , when you building the app with debugging info, use
link /debug /subsystem:windows  /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC  App.obj msvcrt.lib cmd line options.
But that is just for DEBUG mode, no needed for RELEASE. At the release mode msvcrt WILL NOT be included in the App.
You Dont need to do that if you use ml 7 and link 7 /and above/.

Good night to all.