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MASM32 Library Search Tool

Started by Mark Jones, February 07, 2006, 07:46:51 AM

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Mark Jones

 Hi, this is a tool which itemizes and searches the contents of all files in \masm32\include and \masm32\macros. Use it to find which file a macro resides in or which files contain your elusive (or missing) prototypes. In fact it can search through any files in any folders simply by changing the options. I made this because searching for stuff manually using the Windows search was tedious and annoying. This app is just as effective, but is tiny and fast. :bg

Here are the useage rules:

1.) Search paths must end in \*.??? where ??? are alphanumeric characters or one asterisk "\*.*".
2.) Literal "?" wildcards are supported in the extension only, i.e. "\*.r?".
3.) The algorithm does not recurse sub-directories.
4.) Search terms are now default case-insensitive and almost as fast!
5.) If the editor field is blank, the default application opens files by association.
6.) Each file is buffered sequentially in RAM, so don't accidentally search your pagefile... :)
7.) This search is FAST! Much faster than Windows search. It parses an entire \include folder in about 718ms on an AMD XP 2500.
8.) To open a listed file, simply double-click on it!

This is a working beta release, presented as a fully-commented RadASM project for the MASM32 community of Please let me know if you find this tool useful and of course if you have any problems or suggestions.


2005.02.06: v0.8a: Initial beta release.
2005.02.09: v0.8b: Minor cosmetic changes to options menu.
2005.03.20: v0.8c: BugFix: .ini file sometimes being saved to current dir.
                    Change: Edit ctrls set to "AutoScroll" to allow 255 chars.
                    New: Folder browse buttons on options menu.
                    New: Case-sensitivity toggle to main menu!
                    Various code optimizations.
2005.03.23: v0.9a: New: Replaced Edit Control with a Listview. Now files
                         can be opened by double-clicking them!
                    In the Works: Resizable UI.
                    Change: UI made smaller.
                    Change: Hid "Search" button. Use <ENTER> instead.
                    Change: Files are indexed only once at startup now. If you
                         need to re-index paths, look under the file menu.
                    More code optimizations and eliminations.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Hi Mark,
This is definitely useful to me.  I have added it to my toolbox.  I am surprised that there has not been more comments about it, perhaps you should also post it in one of the 3 main subforums so it will get more attention.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mincho Georgiev

Paul, you're not the only one that remedy the personal toolbox whit this one,but you know,
in my country we have one frase that says  "The silence is a sign for agreement"  :wink
Nice work, Mark  :U


Quote from: Mark Jones on February 07, 2006, 07:46:51 AM
7.) Even totally unoptimized, this search is FAST! Much faster than Windows Search. It parses an entire \include folder in about 750ms on an AMD XP 2500.
Well, every search I did didn't take longer than 200ms. I tried to be impartial and have played something like test: total commander vs IncFind - which performs faster search of text in files... Unfortunately no apparent winner  ::) . Anyway it's great that more and more nice tools are written in asm.


Yes, we say something like that, also.  It is, no news is good news.  I am glad you like the tool it is very good and I like it better than Total Commander because I have the source and can integrate it into my tool set and I can customize it.

I would never part with my copy of Total Commander, though, it is the best File Manager I have ever used.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mark Jones

New Upload at top. :U

BugFix: .ini file sometimes being saved to current dir.
Change: Edit ctrls set to "AutoScroll" to allow 255 chars.
New: Folder browse buttons on options menu.
New: Case-sensitivity toggle to main menu!
Various code optimizations.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mark Jones

New version. Lots of good stuff. I've been busy! :dance:

2005.03.23: v0.9a: New: Replaced Edit Control with a Listview. Now files can be opened by double-clicking them!
                    In the Works: Resizable UI.
                    Change: UI made smaller.
                    Change: Hid "Search" button. Use <ENTER> instead.
                    Change: Files are indexed only once at startup now. If you need to re-index paths, look under the file menu.
                    More code optimizations and eliminations.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08



This is the newest addition to my collection of goodies.  I tell you, it sure beats waiting for the assembler/linker to moan about unresolved externals and then plugging in an arbitrary include/lib in hopes of silencing the menace. :lol

"They're all gonna laugh at you." :eek  Younger people may not get the reference.  Oh well.

Great job. :U
