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installation problem

Started by kb7wg, February 05, 2006, 09:11:55 PM

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ok...i shortened the change....
i wouldn't know how to build with only on chap 2 of AoA....earl


and i can do this....if it helps...

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C>ml /?
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1997.  All rights reserved.

        ML [ /options ] filelist [ /link linkoptions ]

/AT Enable tiny model (.COM file)         /nologo Suppress copyright message
/Bl<linker> Use alternate linker          /Sa Maximize source listing
/c Assemble without linking               /Sc Generate timings in listing
/Cp Preserve case of user identifiers     /Sf Generate first pass listing
/Cu Map all identifiers to upper case     /Sl<width> Set line width
/Cx Preserve case in publics, externs     /Sn Suppress symbol-table listing
/coff generate COFF format object file    /Sp<length> Set page length
/D<name>[=text] Define text macro         /Ss<string> Set subtitle
/EP Output preprocessed listing to stdout /St<string> Set title
/F <hex> Set stack size (bytes)           /Sx List false conditionals
/Fe<file> Name executable                 /Ta<file> Assemble non-.ASM file
/Fl[file] Generate listing                /w Same as /W0 /WX
/Fm[file] Generate map                    /WX Treat warnings as errors
/Fo<file> Name object file                /W<number> Set warning level
/FPi Generate 80x87 emulator encoding     /X Ignore INCLUDE environment path
/Fr[file] Generate limited browser info   /Zd Add line number debug info
/FR[file] Generate full browser info      /Zf Make all symbols public
/G<c|d|z> Use Pascal, C, or Stdcall calls /Zi Add symbolic debug info
/H<number> Set max external name length   /Zm Enable MASM 5.10 compatibility
/I<name> Add include path                 /Zp[n] Set structure alignment
/link <linker options and libraries>      /Zs Perform syntax check only

C>link /?
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

usage: LINK [options] [files] [@commandfile]





Can you post us your "hw.hla" source?  Perhaps there is an aberant item inside causing this hiccup?



ok...its the program in AoA chapter version......

program HelloWorld;

#include( "stdlib.hhf" )

begin HelloWorld;

   stdout.put( "Hello, World of Assembly Language", nl );

end HelloWorld;

i hope thats what u mean.....earl


Nope, don't see anything wrong there.

When you go to the command prompt, do you run a batch file containing the following?


set lib=C:\masm32\lib;C:\hla\hlalib;%lib%

set include=C:\hla\include;C:\masm32\include;%include%

set hlainc=C:\hla\include

set hlalib=C:\hla\hlalib\hlalib.lib


no...i dont do that......earl


am i suppost to?.....hey look......i did 2 yrs of assemby programing for atari in the late 70's and early 80's....i did of lot of programing on the os.....but most on i/o(no one cud top me on io....)........i was really good....i had to make a BIG change in my life due to family illness....when i got back to a a was '96.....i called ask for a assembler....they llaughed at i thought ass lang was dead....all am asking for is a little help.....
the only reason im asking for help is that is seems the only good tut is AoA.... which(really i dont like....its got that high level crap)...... trying to install....this st* i can learn all this new stuff.....
when i worked with the atai showed all regiaters...stack P.....all that st*t.....and i cud single step thru all this....what the hell happened?.......
i am running xp.....hows come i cant download masm32 and hla and get them working?.............earl.....


I don't know Earl.  This is the first time someone has had *this* much difficulty with the installation.  I've installed HLA on 4 different systems with no problems.

Why don't you try the HIDE package?



I think the problems that you are having are not typical. In your second post in this thread you stated that you had to add the environment variables before the system could find ML and LINK, when as I stated the environment variables would have nothing to do with the ability of the system to find these files. You later stated that you did an automatic installation, but AFAIK the automatic installation is supposed to set the environment variables for you, as it did on my system (I have now uninstalled and reinstalled several times to check this). All of this suggests to me that the installation did not work as it is supposed to. Perhaps there is a problem with a firewall or some such on your system, or even a malicious app, interfering with the installation. Another possibility is that something in your Windows installation is broken. You could try uninstalling HLA, shutting down any apps that could be causing a problem, and reinstalling. The installation instructions are available here:

eschew obfuscation


ok fellows...i have worked hrs on this thing today. fisrt i dont want hide....doesnt use masm...have not tried installing it. i do remember the first time i installed masm32...i got a warning from norton about a srcipt....and i allowed it.....and the norton log confirms its allowed....but anyway......i uninstalled masm32 and hla.....then used registry mechanic and norton to clean the OS. i turned norton off.....and reinstalled masm32 and hla......SAME RESULTS!!!
Compiling 'hw.hla' to 'hw.asm'
using command line [hlaparse  -v -sm -test "hw.hla"]


so...i uninstalled and cleaned again......booted xp to safe mode....installed same......SAME RESULTS!!!

Compiling 'hw.hla' to 'hw.asm'
using command line [hlaparse  -v -sm -test "hw.hla"]

then i read every word of that manual installation page.........verified everything....added some of the things....copied some files from masm folder to hla,mlerr,ect... same results!!!!!

if one of u really knows this stuff.....and wants to remotely access my machine.......i have no problem with that....ive never done it.....but im willing........earl


From what you've shown,  your PATH seems okay, and the environment from your SET listing shows that everything is in place.  The next question I have is: are you using the hlasetup.exe to install HLA?  The reason I'm asking is that the archive on the webster sight could be messed up.  Have you tried downloading the upgrade files?

If not, download it from here:
and unzip it to overwrite the files in your current hla folder.


yes i have updated the files......i dont understand why i dont get an error or some kind of notice with that v switch......that might be a clue......but i am not familiar with these programs....earl


the fact that im not getting an error might be a clue.....


That's the odd part.  No matter what I do here, I can't get hlaparse to quit silently without producing any intermediate files.

Try calling hlaparse directly as a test:

hlaparse -v -sm hw


Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

READY C:\>hlaparse -v -sm hw
HLA (High Level Assembler) Parser
Released to the public domain by Randall Hyde.
Version Version 1.79 build 10130 (prototype)
File: hw.hla
Output Path: ""

Compiling "hw.hla" to "hw.asm"
Compilation complete, 6388 lines,   0.220 seconds,   29036 lines/second


i got hw.asm and about 5 or 6 other files on C:\..........what does this mean?