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Treeview item -> get handle?

Started by DC, January 23, 2006, 01:22:56 AM

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the only time I seem to get a handle for a treeview item is when it is selected or being selected...
is there a way to get the handle to one that is clicked and/or right-clicked selected or not?
        .elseif [edi].NMTREEVIEW.hdr.code == NM_RCLICK
            dec     fSel    ;   flag to bypass TVN_SELCHANGED
            invoke  GetCursorPos, addr mousePos
            m2m, mousePos.x  ;   [edi].NMTREEVIEW.ptDrag.x   ;   niether works
            m2m, mousePos.y  ;   [edi].NMTREEVIEW.ptDrag.y   ;      "      "
            m2m     tvhit.flags, TVHT_ONITEM
            invoke  SendMessage, hTV, TVM_HITTEST, 0, addr tvhit
            invoke  SendMessage, hTV, TVM_SELECTITEM, TVGN_CARET, tvhit.hItem
            invoke  LoadMenu, hInstance, IDI_TREEMENU
            invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
            mov     hpum, eax
            invoke  GetCursorPos, addr mousePos
            invoke  TrackPopupMenu, hpum, TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, hTV, NULL
            invoke  DestroyMenu, hpum
            inc     fSel

this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time


Is this what you want?



that gives me 'previously selected hItem', 'previously selected hItem', 'currently selected hItem'...
I want 'currently clicked hItem'
clicking on all-ready selected items doesn't seem to varify that action,
right clicks don't seem to give up any hItem info either - selected or not
this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time


Try this example..
The useful thing for you will be the TreeGetItemClicked function - which works wether or not the item has actually been clicked (but I only call it upon a click)

[attachment deleted by admin]
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


it was ScreenToClient that I was missing, sure would be nice to have a list of cool trick functions... like one I accidently stumbled on, I don't even know how...
PathAddBackslash - very nice function... alot of the cool ones I'm not even aware of...
anyway, this works now, thanx again Tedd
        .elseif [edi].NMTREEVIEW.hdr.code == NM_RCLICK
            dec     fSel    ;   flag to bypass TVN_SELCHANGED
            invoke  GetCursorPos, addr
            invoke  ScreenToClient, hTV, addr
            mov     tvhit.flags, TVHT_ONITEM
            invoke  SendMessage, hTV, TVM_HITTEST, 0, addr tvhit
            invoke  SendMessage, hTV, TVM_SELECTITEM, TVGN_CARET, eax ;   tvhit.hItem
            invoke  LoadMenu, hInstance, IDI_TREEMENU
            invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
            mov     hpum, eax
            invoke  GetCursorPos, addr mousePos
            invoke  TrackPopupMenu, hpum, TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, hTV, NULL
            invoke  DestroyMenu, hpum
            inc     fSel
this isn't daja vu, I'm just learning it for the 37th time