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Strange error message

Started by Daos, April 03, 2005, 08:36:08 PM

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I couldn´t get the exe yet !!!!!!!!!1

That´s what got me as a result:

C:\hla>hla testgo~1.hla
Assembling: testgo~1.asm
Testgo~1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol WIN32CONS_cls
Testgo~1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol WIN32CONS_GOTOXY
Testgo~1.exe : fatal error lnk1120: 2 unresolved externals.

I did everythig what you wrote above so ?


Thanks a million for your patient.


Okay, try these files in the attachment.

Make sure you link with wincons.lib

hla file.hla wincons.lib

[attachment deleted by admin]


Now I´m very confuse !

I download the file and place it onto the correspondent folder but result was pretty much the same.

When you set that I have to make sure that I´m linking with wincons.lib is where the confusion comes to me.

How can I link in that way ?

I supposed  to follow all instructions to install HLA correctly so  I ´m feel  confused.


If your program is called cons.hla then you compile and link like this:

hla cons.hla wincons.lib

Make sure wincons.lib is either in the same directory or in the hlalib folder.


I'm having problems with the same library with the same example app from AoA.
I get a linking error (see below). I'm using HIDE and the lib's and headers are all there.
I tried my own code and copied/pasted in the code above, both produced the same errors.

polink @"C:\HIDE\temp\"
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol 'WIN32CONS_CLS'.
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol 'WIN32CONS_GOTOXY'.
POLINK: fatal error: 2 unresolved external(s).

Aside from that, do we use the win32cons in place of the stdlib for all console functionalty from now on?




I wasn't linking to the library properly, fixed that and all's fine.
I found another thread that mentioned the win32cons lib was to replace the old console lib so that's answered my other question.
