radasm.visualassembler.com is no more

Started by shawnb, January 13, 2006, 01:25:48 AM

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I will announce to everyone that due to a billing dispute I stopped hosting visualassembler.com.  Fortunately, KetilO has www.radasm.com to take its place.  I won't be resurrecting the site anytime soon but might in the future.  The short of the story is that I had upgraded my hosting plan two years ago and while they changed the plan they didn't update the billing information.  The ISP's domain renewal fees went up to $25/yr. so I transferred about 80 domains away from them to someplace much cheaper and that caused the ISP to dig deep and come up with an invoice for all the "backpay".  So I cancelled the site.

This will also effect Doney's Stable.

I wasn't able to contact either ketilO or Donkey before this happened so they may not yet know.

Shawn B.


Hi shawnb

I guessed there was somthing going on with visualassembler.com

The bad thing is that I lost all the e-mails. Is there a way to get them?



I sent you a private message.  I also edited wikipedia for you updating the links pointing to your radasm.com domain instead of mine.  (I didn't realize there was a wikipedia entry for your IDE).
