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"main:" vs. "main proc" refering troubles

Started by MazeGen, January 10, 2006, 04:17:51 PM

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I'm just writing some *short* error messages regarding procedure labels and I'm in doubt how to refer to one specific definition of the procedure since I'm still not such good in english.

I refer to procedure defined using

main proc uses ebx ...

simply using the word "procedure". But how to refer to the procedure defined using just


Should it be "plain procedure" or "anonymous procedure" or in any other words?
I also looked into masm guide, but it doesn't help me much...


A procedure/function is a piece of code that does something, and then RETurns.
"proc" is a masm keyword for helping to make procedures - it makes the stack-frame and handles the parameter labels, and a few other checks.
ret a procedure.
And so is:
main proc
main endp

In the source, the second example is usually easier to see/find.

For error messages/reports.. "main:" is a label, "main proc" is a procedure.
Would it be easier to use line numbers for the error reports? Of course, if the error is inside a procedure then you can also report that, but line numbers are more direct.
(An anonymous procedure would be a procedure with no name :wink A plain procedure would be one who does nothing interesting :lol)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Well, those errors are compile-time (I'm testing the procedure name itself) and I have to refer directly to the procedure definition.

Say there is procedure with a name "main". Then, I need to distinguish between procedure defined using "main:" and "main proc". (In my case, it can be detectable at compile time). I would refer to procedure defined using "main proc" as to "procedure", but how to refer to procedure defined using "main:"? I probably choose "procedure defined without proc directive", even though it is quite long...


To refer to the label main: depending on the context any of these would work for me:
main label
main label
main: label
main: label

eschew obfuscation


"Unstructured procedure"?
or simply, "in main" -- which gives enough information without being so specific.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Thanks guys, I decided to use:

CALL MACRO op, flag, args:VARARG


           IF __pmacros_cm_adjust EQ __PMACROS_CM_ADJUST_INIT
             ErrorEcho <op procedure>, \
              <pmacros_cm macro has to be used before calling C or SYSCALL procedure>


           IF __pmacros_cm_adjust EQ __PMACROS_CM_ADJUST_INIT
             ErrorEcho <op procedure>, \
              <pmacros_cm macro has to be used before calling procedure defined using op:>

(op gets replaced by current argument value)

As for my suggestions or "unstructured" suggestion - since there is not such documented term, I decided not to invent any new term because it may cause confusion...

EDIT: Yes, I could use something like "in op procedure", but I want to be more general, i.e. what needs C or SYSCALL procedure generally and what needs "unstructured" procedure generally.