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xp libraries for masm32

Started by hutch--, January 02, 2006, 01:31:20 AM

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This is an updated set of libraries that use POLIB to build the import libraries from a set of DEF files. I will most probably use this method for building import libraries for masm32 in the future as it builds smaller libraries than were built using the Microsoft linker.

To install these libraries, place the def files and batch file in a directory that is on the same partition as the installation of masm32 and run MAKEIT.BAT.

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I have just finished the other required tool, DEF2INC. The attached zip file has def2inc and makeit.bat. Place both in the DEF directory for the zip file above and run it and you get matching include files to the libraries. Note that if you ran the original batch file that it will have messed up so run the makecimp utility again to create both the msvcrt include and lib files.

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Are you familiar with the 'FOR' command in batch files? It could save you a lot of typing :wink

FOR %%I IN (*.DEF) DO \masm32\bin\polib /DEF:%%I /MACHINE:IX86 /OUT:%%~nI.lib
FOR %%I IN (*.DEF) DO def2inc %%I
move *.lib \masm32\lib
move *.inc \masm32\include


Zooba :U

Edit: I just noticed that the command in the newer makeit.bat file to move the libraries is incorrect:
move *.lib ..\lib
I think it should be what I have above:
move *.lib \masm32\lib



Are you familiar with the 'FOR' command in batch files? It could save you a lot of typing

Yes, I was using it 15 years ago in DOS. I autogenerate the batch file from another utility and did the list of file names for def2inc with DIR /B > filename.bat. Global replace the CRLF with CRLF def2inc . When I get a bit more time I will touch up def2inc with wildcard support.

You are correct that the path will only work from a directory at the same level as LIB in masm32. It should be corrected to the root relative path.

Running for/in/do is a lot slower than the method I have used as it echos each call to the exe file.
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Hi Hucth,

Sorry for my question, probably I am missing something but what is difference between kernl32p.def and kernel32.def? What is the meaning of p?



I honestly don't know, its a library in XP so I converted it like the rest.
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Microsoft doesn't "know" about it, and the only results I found on Google were listings of the 64-bit DDK. It seems to have a lot more functions in it, so perhaps it is part of Microsofts anti-trust settlement?

I've attached my comparison results here (made using SORT and FC)

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