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Resource to object file converter

Started by Vortex, December 25, 2005, 05:18:52 PM

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Hi friends,

Here is my new tool res2obj , resource to object file converter. This tool reads a compiled resource file ( .res ) ,extracts the binary resource template and translates it to an object file. It replaces my res2bin tool converting res files to binary resource templates. Res2bin required a tool like fda.exe to convert the bin file to obj. Res2obj allows you to link directly binary resource templates without using an external file data assembler.

Special thanks to Hutch offering me to use his dat2obj module, a procedure converting raw data to object file.

Usage :
Quoteres2obj rsrcfile.res output.obj label
res2obj rsrcfile.res -b [ output binary file ]

An example :
res2obj Rsrc.res Rsrc.obj _Resource   ; outputs an object file
res2obj Rsrc.res -b   ; outputs a bin file

Version 1.0 Beta 1 :

PS : Hutch, I had to slightly modify your module to use it with my project.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Tests fine and the demo you originally posted works fine as well. I took the liberty to fiddle your display string to append a CRLF to it and put you NAME on it, makes watching the build easier.  :bg

message db 'RES2OBJ.EXE Resource to object file compiler V1.0 Beta 1',13,10
        db 'Copyright (c) Vortex 2005',13,10
        db 'usage     : res2obj rsrcfile.res output.obj label',13,10
        db '          : res2obj rsrcfile.res -b [ output binary file ]',13,10,0
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Happy new year to all of the members of the forum, here is res2obj V1.0

I translated the source code of res2obj to Poasm, you will need to download Pelle's new assembler if you would like to rebuild some of the demo examples.

QuotePoasm specific demos   :

   Autohide      : Autohiding menu example
   ColorDlg      : Dialog box example using Poasm's INCBIN statement
   Dlgbox      : Another simple dialog box example

Goasm specific demo   :

   Goasm      : Goasm dialog box example using the INCBIN statement
Masm specific demo   :

   Masm      : A simple listbox example