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GoAsm with ML/I

Started by Bracx, December 29, 2005, 10:25:56 PM

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I started to use a new macro processor ML/I with GoAsm.  For a tool
written in 1966 it seems to be very nice and powerful.  It is
language independent, so can be used with multiple types of projects
and text processing tasks.  The below web page says it is superior to the
M4 macro processor.  It is very free-format, meaning you define your
own delimiters which can be defined over multiple lines allowing easy
creation of higher level macro constructs. Also its very easy to define
higher order macros or macros that create other macros. Nice for
defining named local variables and such.  It takes a little while to get
used to. I recommend reading the manual once through before using
and then as a reference. 

For those who are interested and use macros. The links are below.

Back to coding!  :8)


How about a couple of examples of how it is used in your case?



Hi Greg, I'll write up a example and post something here within a couple of days.
Time permitting :)


Here is a example program using ML/I with GoAsm and groff.

The below attachment requires the allegro graphics library to run:  alleg42.dll
This file was too large to include with the attachment ~700 kb stripped. You
can download the alleg42.dll from here:;action=display;threadid=3083

or build it yourself with mingw32 from here:

Here is the demo:

[attachment deleted by admin]