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DOS compatability under windows XP

Started by OldTimer, December 14, 2005, 10:02:15 AM

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I've just upgraded to XP Home SP2 and a newer PC. Is there a trick to avoiding a black screen when running ML.EXE ?  PC continues to run OK except the monitor.  I've tried ticking the "compatability" box.  I presume that this could be a hardware problem.    Seriously considering dual-boot to Win98, would this fix the problem ?


It sounds like the console window that pops up is maximised and covering your whole screen. This is harmless but annoying. When it is up, can you see the system menu in the top left of the console window?


Try pressing Alt-Enter. This should toggle fullscreen mode.


<ALT>+<RETURN> should switch it back to windowed.
Though I've just tried making it fullscreen, and then exiting. Starting again starts in a window again. There must be some default setting somewhere - probably in the registry somewhere..
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hi OldTimer,

Within properties of the CMD, check the options tab to see if in the "Display options"  section you have a dot beside "Full screen".  If so, select "Window" and this could solve your problem.



Right click Title Bar, select Properties, under the Color tab, you can select the text and back ground colors.

Then when you close, select the save option for this application.

i.e.  I have black text on a white background like Word.

Regards,  P1  :8)


   Thanks for the ideas.   I should've mentioned that ml.exe works OK the first time but on the second or third time I'm presented with a totally blank screen.

   I changed ASSMBL.BAT  to this :-
   @echo off
   DIR A:\
   \masm32\bin\ml /c /coff /Fl /Sn %1.asm

   I ran Qeditor.exe, loaded a source file and put a floppy disc into drive a:

   <Alt> "P", <Down Arrow>, <Enter>,   (in my version this will run assmbl.bat)
   Directory of a: is displayed and Qeditor returns.

    <Alt> "P", <Down Arrow>, <Enter>
   Directory of a: is displayed and the screen goes totally black.

   <Alt> "P", <Down Arrow>, <Enter>
   Directory of a: is displayed and the screen returns to totally black.

   It appears that the address of the XP video buffer is getting lost somewhere.   To prove the point I added a "pause" to the end of the .bat file and I am now able to toggle between the DOS window and the blank screen.

   Leave this with me, I also have a compatability problem with the sound processor chip so I'll contact the Manufacturer for some advice.

  Best Wishes for the Festive Season.


No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.