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My stupid OS is not working!!

Started by thomasantony, January 06, 2005, 02:29:58 PM

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The absolute address of the start of the HMA is FFFF0h + 10h = 100000h. I don't know where your jump destination would actually be.

I have no idea how this could be done, and I realize that it's generally not done by PM operating systems, but what about using some sort of arrangement that would allow your OS to call down to the real-mode BIOS. I think it should be possible because DOS extenders can pass interrupt calls down to real mode. Performance issues aside, the system BIOS and the VGA BIOS together contain a substantial amount of functionality that you would otherwise need to provide in your PM code.
eschew obfuscation


    Many OSes I have with me implement it the same way as I do but it is not working for me. And how do I go about usijng the BIOS procs. Can you make a memory map like thing of it?

Thomas Antony
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Hi Thomas,

I know very little about it. Possibly a RM stub somewhere in the bottom 1MB that would accept the parameters from the PM code, call the BIOS function, and return the results back to the PM code. You might be able to get some ideas from the DPMI spec.
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: thomasantony on January 13, 2005, 07:30:05 AM
Suppose I load the OS at 0FFFFh:0010h using int 13h. Then I switch to PMode in the bootloader itself. Then what offset should I jump to to get to the kernel?

Once you're in PM, all of the segment registers hold invalid 'segments' which are now called 'selectors' because they work a little differently. (Which means you need to reload ALL segment registers with valid selectors before using them) What they actually do is index entires in your GDT (do you have one?? You do NEEEEEED one!!) so you need to jump to your system-level 32-bit code-segment selector in the GDT. It depends how you've set it up, but most people just put in one code selector, and one data selector, with both set for the whole 4GB space. Anyway, if your system code selector is the first in your GDT (index = 1; 0 is not used) then to get to the start of your kernel you need to do a far jump to selector:kernel_entry

Note: selectors are actually (index*8)

jmp far 08h:100000h
(syntax may be different, and it NEEDS to be a 32-bit offset too, so in 16-bit mode you'll probably need a 066h prefix)

Also, be warned that unless everything is perfectly in place, you'll see a brief flash of light before the computer reboots due to any number of exceptions. Which means it's time to look at your code VERY carefully to see what's wrong or what you've missed out. (This is the fun part!)

{If all this talk of GDT means nothing, please read up about it first}
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hi Tedd,
  Thanx for the info abt the 100000h address
   If you had managed to read the source of my OS(attached in the previous post), you would have seen that I had gone past the GDT long ago. Dont tell me abt those reboots. Aaaargghhhh!!! When I was setting up the IDt, I frequently had souch probs. I use Bochs and run it on the actual system only when a part is complete. I even have a working Keyboard ISR. I have a working command shell with a few commands. Now I am thinking whether I should be including filesystm support or memory management!! Its just that I was loading the OS at 0000:1000h and jumping to 08h:1000h. I heard that there is useful data in this memory region so I decided to move the into the HMA. But I didn't know how to convert the 16-bit seg:offset addres into prot mode linear offsets. Can you explain how to get the linear offsets from real mode seg:offset form.I know abt the selectors I only want the offset part.

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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    Okay, I have been bragging a little too much. I am working on my boot loader again. I am making it load fules using FAT12. I read some docs and understood and made a boot loader that worked. Now I want to enable the A20 address line. To be frank, I have read many tuts on that and have understood how to do it. I tried to implement my own code ad it didn't work. I have used other codeds also but they didn't work. I tried one given by victor at the old forum. It is in FASM, but it is not working for me.

call Empty8024
in al,0D1h
out 64h,al
call Empty8024
in al, 0DFh
out 60h,al

in al, 64h
test al,1
jz empty1
in al, 060h
jmp Empty8024
test al,2
jnz Empty8024
retn 4

Can someone tell me how to do this? I want to make it really small so that I can also put pmode code in the same bootloader. Now its a bit cramped due to all the FAT things :) The main part about this thing I don't get much is the Empty buffer part. In an example I saw they used two different routines.

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Hi Thomas,

The attachment contains an A20 address line enabler that I have been playing with over the last few days. It appears to work on my spare system, but it has not been well tested. It will not work under Window 2000 and probably not under Windows XP, and it cannot do anything useful under Windows 9x because the A20 address line is always enabled. It uses the most common method of enabling A20, and the method should work on most recent systems, but note that the HIMEM.SYS for the last versions of MS-DOS had ~15 A20 handlers to cover the entire range of hardware available at the time.

[attachment deleted by admin]
eschew obfuscation


   Thanx, I will check out your code. I found this code at an OSDev forum. I don't know how it works but it is working. This is the code.

in al, 0x92
or al, 0x02
out 0x92, al

I am more comfortable using the code of which I know the working. If somebody knows abt the above procedure of enabling the A20 line, can someone explain to me? Like what hardware does ports 92h access? Is it the port of some new version of the keyboard controller?

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Quote from: thomasantony on January 14, 2005, 06:06:47 AM
  If you had managed to read the source of my OS(attached in the previous post)...
But I didn't know how to convert the 16-bit seg:offset addres into prot mode linear offsets. Can you explain how to get the linear offsets from real mode seg:offset form.I know abt the selectors I only want the offset part.

linear address = (segment * 16) + offset

- 16 (decimal) = 10h
- this assumes the base for the given selector is zero, otherwise you need to add that on to find what address it really makes.

As for A20, MichaelW is right, there are at least 15 different ways to do it depending on what hardware there is. There are two or three most common ways which work for most systems, and all the others are for the different strange variations. Personally I just use the PS/2 method, which is nice and short and seems to work okay for most newer systems (not that I've tested many!)
I found that trying to pack too much into a tiny little bootloader isn't such a great idea. I managed to get a FAT12 loader in (handles clusters, cylinder boundaries, dma boundaries, etc) and that was it! So it's probably best to do a good bootloader and have that load other files in that do the real bootloading, then you can mess about with as many stupid ways as necessary to switch on A20 and setup everything else.

Edit: I think the one you've just posted is the PS/2 version I use. Can't remember exactly what it does :lol
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


I/O port 92h is PS/2 System Control Port A. I have experimented with using output bit0 of this port to perform a reset, and it worked, but I tried it on only a few systems. Output bit1 is supposed to control the A20 address line, but this is not the method recommended in my first edition of The Undocumented PC, which was published ~7 years after the PS/2 was released:
In 99% of PC systems, the keyboard controller is used to handle the A20 gate."

Frank van Gilluwe, the author of The Undocumented PC, is more or less an industry insider who enlisted the aid of other industry insiders, and tested a very wide variety of hardware. I tend to trust his recommendations. But the System Control Port method is much smaller and easier, and when I tested it just now it does work on my spare system.

enable_a20_ps2 proc
    in  al, 92h
    or  al, 2
    out 92h, al
enable_a20_ps2 endp

But it also occurs to me that if you are going to be doing much with the keyboard you will need most of the support routines required for A20 control via the keyboard controller, anyway.

eschew obfuscation


    When was PS/2 released? What is its full form? (Play station 2?  ;) ). Anyway, I might just as well ask another problem with my OS. This is a function I call to scroll the screen up one line

mov byte[0B8082h],'D'
mov byte[0B8083h],0Dh

mov esi,0B8000h+(80*2)
mov edi,0B8000h
mov ecx,(80*24*2)/4
rep movsd

mov edi,0B8000h+(80*24*2)
mov eax,0E200E20h
mov ecx,160/4
rep stosd

mov dword[VideoPtr],80*23*2 ; put it 2 lines above

I call it from a putCR routine which is called when 13,10 is encountered in a string or when Enter key is pressed. The VideoPtr variable contains the current video offset in the form (160*y)+x (for bot characters and attributes).

call GetCursorXY
cmp eax,24
jle $+7
call Scroll_Up

The GetCursorXy translates the VideoPtr into X and Y. Its scroling off for ever

Thomas Antony
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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The IBM Personal System 2 was introduced in 1987, along with the VGA IIRC.

I cannot see any problem in the code you posted or in video.asm from your site. Have you considered coding these routines so they can be debugged in RM with no more than minimal changes? For example, these (old and slow) MASM procedures will work in PM or RM. The only change required is that ES must contain B800h for RM or a valid selector the display buffer for PM.

; ---------------------------------------------------------
; This proc, callable from PM, scrolls the screen up one
; line and fills the bottom line with spaces. Note that
; ES must contain a valid selector for the display buffer.
; ---------------------------------------------------------
ScrollUp proc uses ds
    push  es
    pop   ds
    mov   si, 160
    mov   di, 0
    mov   cx, 4000 - 160
    rep   movsb
    mov   cx, 80
    mov   al, 20h
    inc   di                ; Skip attribute byte
    loop  @B
ScrollUp endp

; ---------------------------------------------------------
; This proc, callable from PM, displays an asciiz string
; on the screen, updates the cursor, and scrolls the screen
; up as necessary. It expects the string to be located at
; DS:DX. It treats a backslash as a newline character.
; Note that ES must contain a valid selector for the
; display buffer.
; ---------------------------------------------------------
PutStr proc
    mov   si, dx
    or    al, al
    jz    update_cursor
    cmp   al, '\'
    jnz   putc
    mov   dl, 160           ; Cursor offset = coff + 160 - coff % 160
    mov   ax, coff
    div   dl
    shr   ax, 8
    add   coff, 160
    sub   coff, ax
    jmp   SHORT ckend
    mov   di, coff
    add   coff, 2
    cmp   coff, 4000
    jb    @F
    call  ScrollUp
    mov   coff, 4000
    sub   coff, 160
    jmp   SHORT charloop
    mov   al, 0fh           ; Index for cursor location low
    mov   dx, 3d4h          ; CRTC index register
    out   dx, al
    mov   ax, coff
    shr   ax, 1             ; Adjust for odd/even addressing
    mov   dx, 3d5h          ; CRTC data register
    out   dx, al
    mov   al, 0eh           ; Index for cursor location high
    mov   dx, 3d4h          ; CRTC index register
    out   dx, al
    mov   ax, coff
    shr   ax, 9             ; Adjust for odd/even addressing
    mov   dx, 3d5h          ; CRTC data register
    out   dx, al
PutStr endp

eschew obfuscation


Okay, I lied :bg
This is what I'm using (it uses the keyboard port - which is what IBM did to 'fix' the A20 problem in the first place.)

    ;enable A20
    mov dx,64h
    in al,dx
    test al,2    ;wait for port to be ready again
    jnz .w1
    mov al,0D1h
    out dx,al
    in al,dx
    test al,2    ;wait for port
    jnz .w2
    mov al,0DFh
    out 60h,al

I think if you use the PS/2 method, check whether that set it, if not use this one. That should cover most systems out there. If it still doesn't work, then it's one of those oddball ones :bdg

Also, here's yet another screen scrolly routine ::)
(the proc/endproc (and uses) are just macros that I made (nasm), so don't worry aobut them)

scrollup proc
    uses esi,edi
    mov esi,0B80A0h
    mov edi,0B8000h
    xor ecx,ecx
    mov eax,[esi+ecx]
    mov edx,[esi+ecx+4]
    mov [edi+ecx],eax
    mov [edi+ecx+4],edx
    add ecx,8
    cmp ecx,0F00h
    jl .lp
    ;clear the bottom line!!
    mov eax,07200720h
    mov [edi+ecx],eax
    mov [edi+ecx+4],eax
    add ecx,8
    cmp ecx,0FA0h
    jl .clr

No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Thanx!! :U  I will check out those codes

Thomas Antony :U
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Hi!I have a problem that you had earlier...i try to enable paging,but then a reset is occired.i created a page directory with one entry,and a page table with 1024 entries while i am in real mode,and when i am in protected i change CR3 and set the PG bit.and after this nothing.....any help???