[Ask for help or maybe bug report]: Disk label recognization

Started by jhpark, December 14, 2005, 01:59:56 PM

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Hello everybody,

Let me say thanks to K.O, H and team for their effor to construct such maverlous tools for us.

My PC has two HDD. on One as master has been installed Linux FC4. On the other as slaver has been installed Windows XP. Thus I used dual boot. When I use Windows XP, of course the first disk is usefulless. My Windows XP recogninze my
current disk as labeled D:. Thus, I installed MASM32 v8.2 at D:\MASM32 and RadASM at D:\RadASM. I try to test whether my installation was correct or not by trying the first tutorial (just c & p)  from http://members.a1.net/ranmasaotome/main.html (Dialog Application) - Just using the Dialog template and try to Go, no more. Ashame of me that the project could not be compiled and annoyed me with:

C:\Masm32\Bin\RC.EXE /v "ex001.rc"

Make error(s) occured.
Total compile time 1803 ms

As we can see, it try to open "C:\Masm32\Bin\RC.EXE" rather that "D:\Masm32\Bin\RC.EXE".

How should I set up now for properly working?

Thanks for any suggestion, instruction.


J.H. Park