Why does't it produce ASM source code for creating all forms & controls ?

Started by proton, November 13, 2005, 07:07:38 PM

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Hello sir,
              Why it does not produce the ure .ASM source code for all the forms & controls i put at the design time instead of linking it ? as a library.That way it will be more transparent to us as what exact code it is producing...Could we expect it in the near future.


S.Sheik mohamed

Ramon Sala


The reason is that the Easy Code library takes care of the classic Windows behavior, that is, controlling the navigation among child controls (<Tab> key), activating the corresponfing option when pressing the <Alt> key and an underlined letter, etc. If just the pure code was put in, let's say, WM_CREATE message, you should wirte a lot of code to control all said before. The idea is to make Visual projects fast and easy. If you want to have pure code, just design a classic project.


Greetings from Catalonia