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Just some stuff found in the latest MASM:

Started by ThoughtCriminal, November 14, 2005, 07:34:17 PM

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align 16

mov ebp,offset Initilization_func
00401080 BD B0 30 40 00   mov         ebp,offset Initilization_func (4030B0h)

call dword ptr[ebp]+FetchApi
00401085 FF 55 00         call        dword ptr [ebp]

mov ebx,offset api
00401088 BB 20 30 40 00   mov         ebx,offset api (403020h)

mov ecx,IMAGEREL mainCRTStartup
0040108D B9 80 10 00 00   mov         ecx,1080h
mov ecx,SECTIONREL mainCRTStartup
00401092 B9 80 00 00 00   mov         ecx,80h
mov ecx,IMAGEREL LoadLibrary  [color=Red]LoadLibray is first in the import section at 402000h[/color]
00401097 B9 00 20 00 00   mov         ecx,2000h
mov ecx,SECTIONREL LoadLibrary
0040109C B9 00 00 00 00   mov         ecx,0
mov ecx,IMAGEREL GetProcAddress
004010A1 B9 04 20 00 00   mov         ecx,2004h
mov ecx,SECTIONREL GetProcAddress
004010A6 B9 04 00 00 00   mov         ecx,4

Just showing an example IMAGEREL and SECTIONREL.

I guess it must be useful for something, just not sure what yet.