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ml.exe and link.exe

Started by Nordwind64, October 29, 2005, 08:20:41 PM

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I wrote an inline assembler for a little interpreter program language.
I want to include ml.exe and link.exe in my assembler package, is that allowed? My assembler ist freeware.

My english is very bad, so I cannot understand the full masm32 distribution text very well.

Best regards,
Greetings, Nordwind.
Windows 7 (64Bit), JWASM/PoLink


Put simply,

No. You would need to negotiate directly with Microsoft to obtain the rights to distribute those binaries.
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You should consider using Fasm or GoAsm to distribute with your package. Both of those tools are free and the authors would welcome you for your idea.



ok, thank you!  :(

But MASM is my favorited Assembler. I think, the user of my assembler had to install MASM32 and the inline assembler will use ml.exe and link.exe from the MASM32 path. Is that allowed? :8)
And is it legal to install the masm32 package somewhere on a server to download it from there? As .zip or depacked to files?

Best regards,
Greetings, Nordwind.
Windows 7 (64Bit), JWASM/PoLink


I think Vortex has the right idea here.  Even though masm is your favorite assembler you might find that your users are willing to try another package.  BTW, if you have written an inline assembler for your interpreter why do you need ml.exe at all.  That sounds odd...

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website



If using the MASM32 project will do the job for you, why not just point to the masm32 download page as it will probably have more collective bandwidth that you will get on even a very high speed server.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum



QuoteBTW, if you have written an inline assembler for your interpreter why do you need ml.exe at all.  That sounds odd...

I think, the only way to write an inline assembler for an interpreter language is to generate dll functions from the assembler texts in the sourcecode and build a dll. Then insert the dll in the interpreter language. Thats my way.
I want to use MASM32, because the inline assembler code can make use of macros, high level programming (.if, .else, ...), and easy parameter-control in program. To release a really power inline assembler. :U

QuoteIf using the MASM32 project will do the job for you, why not just point to the masm32 download page as it will probably have more collective bandwidth that you will get on even a very high speed server.

Ok, but it's a german program for german users. Downloading from your highspeed server to germany isn't faster than downloading from a local server.
I know, your suggestet way may be the best, but my question ist: Is it legal to do it the way I asked? :P

Best regards,
Greetings, Nordwind.
Windows 7 (64Bit), JWASM/PoLink



The entire project is subject to copyright from a number of sources including Microsoft who own the two files you need. The licence for the project does not allow any form of redistribution at all of the copyright binaries so if you need access at them, the best I can offer you is the range of servers that already distribute the MASM32 Project.

The alternative is to negotiate directly with Microsoft for rights of use.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


Thank you hutch  :U!

The users of my inline assembler will have to download and install full MASM32 package from your page. I think, that's the best way, too.

Best regards,
Greetings, Nordwind.
Windows 7 (64Bit), JWASM/PoLink