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using GetWindowText api call

Started by Ash_, January 03, 2005, 09:18:04 AM

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ok im mucking around with API calls and stuff. and i was just wondering how come this doesent work?

invoke FindWindow,addr WinampClass, NULL
    invoke MessageBox,0,addr Error1,addr ErrorTitle,MB_OK
    invoke ExitProcess,0
mov hWinamp,eax
invoke GetWindowTextLength,hWinamp
    invoke MessageBox,0,addr Error2,addr ErrorTitle,MB_OK
    invoke ExitProcess,0
mov hLength,eax
invoke GetWindowText,hWinamp,hText,512
    invoke MessageBox,0,addr Error3,addr ErrorTitle,MB_OK
    invoke ExitProcess,0

in the .data section i have this

WinampClass db "Winamp v1.x", 0
ErrorTitle db "Error", 0
Error1 db "Error 1 : Unable to find the Winamp window", 0
Error2 db "Error 2  : Error getting the text from Winamp", 0
Error3 db "Error 3 : Error getting the text from Winamp", 0
hWinamp HWND ?
hLength DWORD ?
hText DWORD ?

i have the code exected whena button is pressed on a window.
it keeps coming up with Error 3 which is getting the text from the window.

how come it doesent work. thanks in advance.


hText DWORD ?

should be

hText db 512 dup(?)

invoke GetWindowText,hWinamp,hText,512

should be

invoke GetWindowText,hWinamp,addr hText,hLength


thanks alot!

hText db 512 dup(?)

declares hText as a buffer, right?
