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Includes for the IPX protocol?

Started by Ghirai, November 20, 2005, 11:43:00 AM

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Are there any includes for the IPX protocol?

I've searched the libs for SOCKADDR_IPX structure for example, but nothing...

This data is in the WSIPX.H file, which basically contains this:

#ifndef _WSIPX_
#define _WSIPX_

*   This is the structure of the SOCKADDR structure for IPX and SPX.

typedef struct sockaddr_ipx {
    short sa_family;
    char  sa_netnum[4];
    char  sa_nodenum[6];
    unsigned short sa_socket;

*   Protocol families used in the "protocol" parameter of the socket() API.

#define NSPROTO_IPX      1000
#define NSPROTO_SPX      1256
#define NSPROTO_SPXII    1257

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