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Started by NightBowl, November 07, 2005, 07:51:35 AM

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By my recent experience of configuring RS232 ports
Members of the BITRECORD must be declared in reverse order, like this:

BITRECORD RECORD fDummy2:17,fAbortOnError:1,fRtsControl:2,fNull:1,fErrorChar:1,fInX:1,fOutX:1,fTXContinueOnXoff:1,fDsrSensitivity:1,fDtrControl:2,fOutxDsrFlow:1,fOutxCtsFlow:1,fParity:1,fBinary:1


Do you have any reference material, I cannot find it in MSDN.
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This bits appears in WinBase.h
Following are the definitions


a possible translation for masm

MASMBITRECORD RECORD fBinary: 1 , \ ; Binary Mode (skip EOF check)   
fParity: 1 , \ ; Enable parity checking         
fOutxCtsFlow:1 , \ ; CTS handshaking on output       
fOutxDsrFlow:1 , \ ; DSR handshaking on output       
fDtrControl:2 , \ ; DTR Flow control               
fDsrSensitivity:1 , \ ; DSR Sensitivity             
fTXContinueOnXoff: 1 , \ ; Continue TX when Xoff sent
fOutX: 1 , \ ; Enable output X-ON/X-OFF       
fInX: 1 , \ ; Enable input X-ON/X-OFF         
fErrorChar: 1 , \ ; Enable Err Replacement         
fNull: 1 , \ ; Enable Null stripping           
fRtsControl:2 , \ ; Rts Flow control               
fAbortOnError:1 , \ ; Abort all reads and writes on Error
; Reserved                       

DCBlength DWORD ? ; sizeof(DCB)
BaudRate DWORD ? ; Baudrate at which running
; Binary Mode (skip EOF check)
; Enable parity checking
; CTS handshaking on output
; DSR handshaking on output
; DTR Flow control
; DSR Sensitivity
; Continue TX when Xoff sent
; Enable output X-ON/X-OFF
; Enable input X-ON/X-OFF
; Enable Err Replacement
; Enable Null stripping
; Rts Flow control
; Abort all reads and writes on Error
; Reserved
wReserved WORD ? ; Not currently used
XonLim WORD ? ; Transmit X-ON threshold
XoffLim WORD ? ; Transmit X-OFF threshold
ByteSize BYTE ? ; Number of bits/byte, 4-8
Parity BYTE ? ; 0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space
StopBits BYTE ? ; 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
XonChar BYTE ? ; Tx and Rx X-ON character
XoffChar BYTE ? ; Tx and Rx X-OFF character
ErrorChar BYTE ? ; Error replacement char
EofChar BYTE ? ; End of Input character
EvtChar BYTE ? ; Received Event character
wReserved1 WORD ? ; Fill for now.

;----------------------------------------- SDK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct _DCB {
    DWORD DCBlength;      /* sizeof(DCB)                     */
    DWORD BaudRate;       /* Baudrate at which running       */
    DWORD fBinary: 1;     /* Binary Mode (skip EOF check)    */
    DWORD fParity: 1;     /* Enable parity checking          */
    DWORD fOutxCtsFlow:1; /* CTS handshaking on output       */
    DWORD fOutxDsrFlow:1; /* DSR handshaking on output       */
    DWORD fDtrControl:2;  /* DTR Flow control                */
    DWORD fDsrSensitivity:1; /* DSR Sensitivity              */
    DWORD fTXContinueOnXoff: 1; /* Continue TX when Xoff sent */
    DWORD fOutX: 1;       /* Enable output X-ON/X-OFF        */
    DWORD fInX: 1;        /* Enable input X-ON/X-OFF         */
    DWORD fErrorChar: 1;  /* Enable Err Replacement          */
    DWORD fNull: 1;       /* Enable Null stripping           */
    DWORD fRtsControl:2;  /* Rts Flow control                */
    DWORD fAbortOnError:1; /* Abort all reads and writes on Error */
    DWORD fDummy2:17;     /* Reserved                        */
    WORD wReserved;       /* Not currently used              */
    WORD XonLim;          /* Transmit X-ON threshold         */
    WORD XoffLim;         /* Transmit X-OFF threshold        */
    BYTE ByteSize;        /* Number of bits/byte, 4-8        */
    BYTE Parity;          /* 0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space    */
    BYTE StopBits;        /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2               */
    char XonChar;         /* Tx and Rx X-ON character        */
    char XoffChar;        /* Tx and Rx X-OFF character       */
    char ErrorChar;       /* Error replacement char          */
    char EofChar;         /* End of Input character          */
    char EvtChar;         /* Received Event character        */
    WORD wReserved1;      /* Fill for now.                   */



The record and structure you have posted are identical to those in the WINDOWS.INCl. The actual record does not appear to exist in winbase.h but there is a different structure, the one you posted below. I am not sure what to do with it as it appears that the structure in winbase.h may have superceded the record and earlier structure.
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That is unknown is the mother board and the processor used.
The RS232 as changed , so they would be an old structure and a new.The one I have posted is the new.
Information can be found on MSDN with "serial port".
The Old structure can be surely found searching samples code in the internet.



I can see no functional differences between the definition in the MASM32, the winbase.h from the February 2003 PSDK, and the one on MSDN (but admittedly I did not do a side by side comparison).


MSDN: Configuring a Communications Resource

I have doubts that Microsoft would have reversed the order of a record between C and MASM. I can see
how a reversal might be required for a different platform, but how is that relevant to MASM32?
eschew obfuscation