Reading string from a buffer to another and print it out

Started by jnrico, September 26, 2005, 02:19:52 PM

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This is my first assember program. All I am trying to do is read a string from a buffer copy it to another and print it out once I am done.
The program runs, but nothing prints out. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide me on this.

       src db "This is the string", 0

       dest db 256 dup (?)

    call main


main proc

      LOCAL srcPtr :DWORD
      LOCAL desPtr :DWORD
      mov srcPtr, OFFSET src
      mov desPtr, OFFSET dest
      push edi
      push esi

       mov esi, srcPtr
      mov edi, desPtr

       cmp al, 0      
       jne label1
      print edi
      pop edi
      pop esi


main endp

end start


1. Are you linking it as a console application?
2. loadsb followed by stosb is messing up your values for esi & edi (each one will add one to each - so add 2 to each for each loop!)
   -- use just movsb instead :wink
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


The value of EDI at the end of the loop is not the address to the beginning of your string!
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8