how do i call a function when a checkbox is clicked?

Started by Trope, September 20, 2005, 06:43:59 PM

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my checkbox, IDC_CHECK1

how do I CALL myFunction when it is clicked, no matter what the checked state?



Never mind... got it. For newbies interested, this did it:

.if wParam == IDC_SOUND

CALL myFunction

.end if


Perhaps I do not understand something here, but wouldn't it be more straightforward to use the BN_CLICKED notification?

MSDN: Button Types and Styles

MSDN: BN_CLICKED Notification

eschew obfuscation


you probably know better than me, man - I am new at this. I will check it out.

Hey while I have your attention, is there an easy way to disable controls (button, edit boxes)?
