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Deleting a Registry Setting

Started by Ash_, September 05, 2005, 01:29:43 PM

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so far i've got.

DeleteString proc lpszKey:DWORD
LOCAL phkResult :DWORD

invoke RegOpenKeyEx,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,lpszKey,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,ADDR phkResult

invoke RegCloseKey,phkResult
xor eax,eax
DeleteString endp

but my program always errors

im calling it like.

invoke DeleteString, addr szAllKey

szAllKey    DB  "test",0

the folder is there in regedit.exe so it must work.
can you gelp me at all?


Use RegDeleteKey to delete keys and and RegDeleteValue to delete key values.  Remember the sub key you are deleting can't have any subkeys and the key must be opened with DELETE access rights.

best regards,


Mark Jones

Here is a small registry-key related app. DeleteKey is similar. See the win32api.hlp

; Mark Jones/Helios Studios 2005
; build as "console assemble and link"
include    ; "compile-time" libs
include    ; registry functions
includelib advapi32.lib

    szKey       DB  "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\",0
    szValue     DB  "GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize",0

    buff        DD  ?
    buffsize    DD  ?
    hKey        DD  ?
    keyType     DD  ?

    print chr$("GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize: ")
    invoke RegOpenKeyEx,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,addr szKey,0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,addr hKey
    test eax,eax                ; does the key exist?
    jnz nokey
    mov buffsize,4
    invoke RegQueryValueEx,hKey,addr szValue,0,addr keyType,addr buff,addr buffsize
    test eax,eax                ; is there a GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize value?
    jz valfound
    print chr$("value not present.")
    jmp endit
    print chr$("key not present!")
    jmp endit
    print ustr$(buff)
    Invoke RegCloseKey,hKey     ; close key
    mov eax, input(13,10,13,10,"Press enter to exit:")
    invoke ExitProcess, 0       ; exit gracefully
end start
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