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Copying folders

Started by Ghirai, July 27, 2006, 10:51:02 PM

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Great, thanks a lot for the help, it works fine :U
MASM32 Project/RadASM mirror -


Quote from: Ian_B on July 28, 2006, 12:09:44 PM
SO what are you saying? This is a useless procedure because I didn't also add a little animated progress box?  :dazzled:

Nothing of the sort. I was simply suggesting an alternative, and if he is producing an interactive application then the standard Windows GUI may be preferable. Of course, it depends on his own needs.


I thought that most of us choose to write in Assembler because it is a challenge, it represents an intellectual struggle to write efficiently, artistically, smarter, smaller, faster, finding the limits and exploiting the advantages of the raw processor code... It's like playing chess instread of noughts and crosses. What you seem to want to do is reduce everything to single APIs and easy libraries, removing the skill, the fun, the learning experience and appreciation of how to do something unfamiliar and instead relying on simply remembering the correct combination of input parameters for yet another prepackaged function. You might as well tell people to code in C or VB if that's all they will end up doing, calling libraries and API functions. Why bother with all the effort of writing in Assembler then?  :eek

When the day comes that Ghirai needs to do something a little more complex with his subfolders that can't be done with a nice easy API function (there is a reason I have written, so far, 5 recursive procedures for my app, because as far as I'm aware there aren't handy APIs to create and manage linked, specifically-ordered lists of folder trees for speed and flexibility) then he'll have a great example and a basis on which to build, on his own.

The world of programming according to Zooba? A pretty dull and dumb place. No thanks.



Don't make me go back and point out where you've used API calls in your own code.

And, as always, it depends on what the programmer is attempting to do. If your aim is to sort a list, you don't want to spend two years making a console so you can display the output.

If the challenge is to copy folders recursively, of course you're not going to settle for a simple API call. On the other hand, if copying folders is a minor but essential part which just needs to work so you can do the fun stuff, why not? Without meaning any offence to Ghirai, he's probably just taken the code you posted and used it as-is. How is that any different? Because it's your code rather than Evil Microsoft's?

Enjoy your wheel factory.



Quote from: zooba on July 29, 2006, 08:28:27 AM
Don't make me go back and point out where you've used API calls in your own code.

Hardly the same. I never use them to do things I can do myself, only at the very lowest level where they are unavoidable like file I/O.

QuoteAnd, as always, it depends on what the programmer is attempting to do. If your aim is to sort a list, you don't want to spend two years making a console so you can display the output.

I could agree there. The irony is that I had a complex working app exactly 2 years ago in VB that did almost everything I wanted, but it was highly speed-limited because of the nature of the processing and subject to the limits of the VB library base in its stability and reliability and its clunky look-and-feel that made it appear far less than professional. It was frustration over those limits that led me to learn programming in Assembler to overcome them completely, first experimenting with adding my own Assembler DLL for the speed-critical parts. Finally I junked more than a year of work to rebuild entirely from scratch and I am much happier with the still incomplete results as they take shape, and the fine control I have over the code, and the ability to take advantage of multithreading and other low-level optimisations easily, which I needed for the effectiveness of the app to be fully realised.

Ditching a dead-end code-base was very hard, and probably from your POV massively unproductive, but it was the best thing I ever did. Perhaps I am unusual, but I need to be able to take pride in the quality of my work, and know it is the best I can create. I program in Assembler because it's an art, not because I want to churn out code which merely "works". And as an artist (in the widest sense, I used to be a concert violinist) I want to communicate my enthusiasm for my art and encourage others to enjoy exploring as I have done.

QuoteWithout meaning any offence to Ghirai, he's probably just taken the code you posted and used it as-is. How is that any different? Because it's your code rather than Evil Microsoft's?

On that simplistic level, this entire forum is a wheel factory, by sharing nuggets of experience of Assembler coding from which everyone can benefit and learn. The difference is whether you just give them a black box that does a particular job or explain and illustrate a more general approach that can be used for all the cases where there is no neatly pre-packaged solution, especially while showing how existing methods and algorithms can be vastly improved upon in reliability and speed. Sure, I take pleasure and pride in the fact that my unusual combination of curiosity, enthusiasm and art, even without the years of Assembler experience some people here have, seems to keep offering challenges to the received wisdom...  :wink  But in any case, I'd remind you that Ghirai did originally ask for a FindFirstFile/FindNextFile example...

I'd also suggest that there is a wider POV in all this which people probably don't consider. I write code from the perspective of someone who hopes their apps will be used by as many people as possible, by trying to ensure that they are useful and time-saving utilities. Better mousetraps, if you like. The difference between two op-codes and four may be trivial on one level, but the week it might cost me sweating over reducing an algorithm to its simplest and smallest form is ultimately repaid many many times over in better productivity for those millions of potential users repeatedly running the code in the apps lifetime. And there's another even more important aspect we all might want to consider nowadays. If all those millions of users have a chance to run highly optimised code instead of unnecessary and poorly optimised API calls, there's a saving not just in clock cycles but also in energy costs for those unnecessary cycles, as modern processors can slip back into energy-saving modes (eg. SpeedStep) more quickly. Consider my proof of the appalling inefficiency of, for example, the ubiquitous wsprintf function in the "QWtoASCII" Laboratory thread...

It may not be massively significant for global warming in the scheme of things compared to, say, air travel, but it's a small contributing factor given the rapidly increasing amount of computer usage per head worldwide. As Assembler writers we have a golden opportunity to reduce our code to a bare minimum for efficiency, not just speed - that doesn't mean simply reducing code size by calling highly inefficient API routines. Don't we therefore have a planetary responsibility and an obligation to do so? I think your obsessive and short-sighted focus on the productivity of the programmer, while understandable, is looking through the wrong end of the telescope...



I also use VB (version 6, not .Net) and it was those same frustrations that caused me to learn assembly. I also totally support 'ditching', as I find that dropping all my code and starting fresh results in a much more efficient result, regardless of language.

The productivity aspect is very relevant, especially when getting new programmers into assembly language. If the very first thing a new assembly programmer had to do was create an integer-string conversion function and display it on the console, quite a few would likely run away. Sure, there are those who would want to do it, but the rest who have other ideas aren't going to be bothered.

I don't believe in 'global warming/cooling' or 'climate change' as a result of human actions, so I won't comment on that aspect.

As you would know, efficiency goes out the window as soon as you use the processor to access long-term storage (ie. hard drive). In this situation, a native (ie. kernel) API call is going to be much more efficient than dropping in and out of kernel mode so often. Also, if while copying files you fail to take user preferences into account (ie. folder encryption or ACLs), you just make things worse for the user. SHFileOperation is used throughout the OS and is guaranteed to succeed everywhere the OS would succeed.


Zooba :U