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Formal asm Doc

Started by Xor Stance, August 07, 2005, 07:07:24 PM

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Xor Stance

I got many tuts in spanish so I'm just implementing it on mine.


The operands can be instantly, registers, memory or ports.
An instantly operand its a data that comes from the source
from the program for example, to charge the AX register with

MOV AX,20C5h     ;it's an inmediate operand.

MOV BX,[0400h]   ;it's a memory position *

MOV DX,[BX]      ;it's a memory position *

* We're wanting that BX goes to the 0400h position and
the other one the DX register it's in BX position.

; it's a commentary to describe our program through each

MOV BX,[0400h]   ;it's a memory position *

This type of reference from memory its called DIRECT

MOV DX,[BX]      ;it's a memory position *

This one we're referring that the OFFSET in a SEGMENT.
OFFSET: it's a location for a SEGMENT.
SEGMENT: it's an area that we work on from the CPU.

Modes of Directioning

Indicated the form in what the processor calculates the
direction where it's going to search for a data origin
or it will record the result in the destiny. Exist 8 types
of directioning in the 80x86 families.

Implicit: PUSHA

Register: MOV AL,CH

Inmediately: MOV DL,5Fh

Direct: MOV BX,[0400h]

Indirect-Register: MOV AX,[BX]

Relative a base: direction = base + constant


Direct Index: direction = direct + index

MOV DH,[0400h+SI]

Base Index: direction = direct + base + index

MOV AL,[0400h+BX+SI]

I wonder if this is right, any more technical vocabulary which I don't know.