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Started by Mark Jones, July 25, 2005, 04:08:45 PM

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Mark Jones

Hi, I'm tinkering with journal hooks for an interactive help system. MSDN says that the callback for WH_JOURNALRECORD utilizes an EVENTMSG struct, but in the Iczelion tutorial 24 the structure is referenced as a MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT - two totally different things. I'm trying this code to display all values but it crashes... any ideas? Debugging HookProc is exceedingly difficult, OllyDbg likes to lock up and terminate the callback thread in-situ...

;Main DlgProc
    .elseif eax==WM_RBUTTONUP   ; temporary, for allowing one journal message display
            mov CapMsg,1

CapFmt1 db  'nCode: %s',13,10,'wParam: %s',13,10,'lParam: %s',13,10,13,10,0
CapFmt2 db  'EVENTMSG.message: %s',13,10,'EVENTMSG.paramL: %s',13,10
        db  'EVENTMSG.paramH: %s',13,10,'EVENTMSG.time: %s',13,10
        db  'EVENTMSG.hwnd: %s',0
CapRes1 db  512 dup(?)
CapRes2 db  512 dup(?)
Cap1    db  16 dup(?)
Cap2    db  16 dup(?)
Cap3    db  16 dup(?)
Cap4    db  16 dup(?)
Cap5    db  16 dup(?)
Cap6    db  16 dup(?)
Cap7    db  16 dup(?)
Cap8    db  16 dup(?)
CapMsg  db  ?

HookProc    proc    nCode:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD
;   * nCode specifies the hook code.
;   * wParam and lParam contain additional information about the event
;The lParam parameter is a pointer to an EVENTMSG structure containing
;information about a message removed from the system queue. The hook
;procedure must record the contents of the structure by copying them
;to a buffer or file. wParam is not used. (MSDN)

.if CapMsg  ; display one set of parameters
    mov CapMsg,0                        ; only display one messagebox!
    invoke dw2a,[nCode],addr Cap1       ; convert returned vals to strings
    invoke dw2a,[wParam],addr Cap2
    invoke dw2a,[lParam],addr Cap3
    invoke wsprintf,addr CapRes1,addr CapFmt1,addr Cap1,addr Cap2,addr Cap3
    mov edx,lParam                      ; EVENTMSG structure?
    assume edx:ptr EVENTMSG
    invoke dw2a,[edx].message,addr Cap4
    invoke dw2a,[edx].paramL,addr Cap5
    invoke dw2a,[edx].paramH,addr Cap6
    invoke dw2a,[edx].time,addr Cap7
    invoke dw2a,[edx].hwnd,addr Cap8
    assume edx:nothing
    invoke wsprintf,addr CapRes2,addr CapFmt2,addr Cap4,addr Cap5,addr Cap6,addr Cap7,addr Cap8
    invoke lstrcat,addr CapRes1,addr CapRes2
    invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr CapRes1,0,MB_OK

    .if nCode==HC_ACTION
        mov edx,lParam      ; existing Iczelion proc, more-or-less
        assume edx:ptr MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT
        invoke WindowFromPoint,[edx].pt.x,[edx].pt.y
        invoke PostMessage,hWnd,WM_MOUSEHOOK,eax,0
        assume edx:nothing
        invoke CallNextHookEx,hHook,nCode,wParam,lParam
        xor eax,eax
    .elseif nCode<0     ; nCode values below zero must not be parsed
        jmp @B
        invoke Beep,100,1000    ; if some funky error happens
        call StopJournalHook    ; don't bother trying to continue
    xor eax,eax
HookProc    endp
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

Mark Jones

Aaahaa, I was being dumb again. :bg dw2a uses EDX and was overwriting the other code... using EDI instead works.

    mov edi,lParam                      ; EVENTMSG structure?
    assume edi:ptr EVENTMSG
    invoke dw2a,[edi].message,addr Cap4
    invoke dw2a,[edi].paramL,addr Cap5
    invoke dw2a,[edi].paramH,addr Cap6
    invoke dw2a,[edi].time,addr Cap7
    invoke dw2a,[edi].hwnd,addr Cap8
    assume edi:nothing

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Another thing you want to watch for in creating global system hooks. Is that you don't create an infinite loop on accident. (It may be 100 percent logical that it should work, but I've run into situtations, where I was hooking the msg procdures, and I called a function in my hook, that eventually called the sendmessage function to a window that wasn't my own. That one really got to me until I used one of my previous versions of the program to anaylze my newer version.