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Listview Selchange

Started by Jimg, July 29, 2005, 06:54:25 PM

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Is there an equivalent event to LBN_SELCHANGE but for a listview?  I know how to find out which items are selected, I just need notification the the user selected something, unselected something, or added a selection in the listview.  I would guess it would be somewhere in the NMHDR.code of the WM_NOTIFY message but am unable to find it.  I can trap the NM_CLICK, NM_DBLCLK etc, and add in a bunch of code to see if the user move the highlight with the up or down arrow keys, but I was hoping there was something simple like selchange.



Thank you Comrade, when I read that I was thinking it was only if the contents of the item changed.   :red


You can also use LV_KEYDOWN to detect keyboard events in a list control.

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