OwnerDraw Buttons and Image&Text buttons

Started by Log, July 21, 2005, 11:00:31 PM

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Hi to all.
Please help me how to insert both image AND text to the button. In the code I insert only icon.
And how to use WS_OWNERDRAW ?

BTW: When I set WS_OWNERDRAW to the pushbutton, IDE automaticaly set WS_CHECKBOX and WS_DEFPUSHBUTTON and WS_USERBUTTON, but unset WS_OWNERDRAW style. Is that normal ?

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You may want to try this alternatively  :toothy

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Thanks, it's great,but I'd like to understand how does it work.
There is no source code about the button creation


try this http://perso.wanadoo.fr/luce.yves/humour.htm
There is owners drawn buttons,and sound .It's serious work for ..fun.
Comment are in french but there is a separate include file that contain all the useful code.
It use the WM_DRAW message or another.
If you have difficulties to read french , write me , i will help  you.



After 4 or 5 days the author of this OD buttons will release the first version as a library with the source :) Then I'll post it here, and you'll see what's goin' on inside :) The author of this button library has released the coolest OD menus library for asm and many other libs like OD comboboxes, Print Preview control library, RichEdit custom control library and so on. If interested I could post them in 4-5 days.



Thank you too, I'll be glad to look at these libraryies  :clap:


Beacuse the author of these wonderful libraries does not have a website, I set up one for him and I will be updating it when new versions of the libraries are released. So, here you go, Log:


Full with source! Includes a print preview, riched, menus, buttons.



Thanks both of you
Now I'm start digging into the source  :8)