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About WinAPI

Started by rea, December 28, 2004, 08:42:26 PM

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Do yourself a favour and get rid of IE 5.? It has bad security problems that dump junk on your machine without you knowing it. Get yourself the currect version of Firefox or Netscape and you solve the problem. ALSO use ANYTHING except Outlook Express for your email.
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I have, also, come to like FireFox.  It is a nice browser.  Outlook Express, hmmm, after all this time, I really wonder why M$ has not done anything about the terrible problems with security by unfortunate, innocent users of this email package.  Personally, I feel it is criminal behavior.  I really regret ever being involved with M$.


Lets organize a little???

The file posted at icz site is the same that come with devpack of 24Mb, the only diference is tah is included the files listed above specially the CNT that I guess is related to content???, the size of such download is 8Mb, while in the one of pbrennick is about 5?, ok, should suficient to put the cnt file+gid file for get the contents (and dont do the manual work of the marks that I do in the past)

Then the question is: how many diferent files are out there???


1.- win32hlp.exe that install one win32api.hlp of about 19Mb (from lcc project)
2.- Havent downloaded the diferent parts for check the final size...
3.- the same that hutch-- the final win32api.hlp is about 11Mb

and finally:
4.- The one that you can obtain from the dev-pack or with pbrennick is about 4-5Mb (because the diferent compression zip agains the other one), but also there is the link of is about a download of 8Mb, but the final win32api.hlp is about 24Mb

The diference is that there exist those extra 3 files, one of them about 3Mb (and that in my point of view can be deleted) and you still have the contents in a nice presentation (at less more than travel the whole reference file and make bokmarks tat you dont know where they are saved)

Then in extra to the file in the dev-pack or pbrennick you can/I can attach those extra 2 files necesary for get the nice presentation of the contesnts :)... who will do it?


Perhaps I am confused, what two other files do you need?  The .gid file is recreated every time the help file is run. The .FTS file is already compressed and is why some versions of the zip are ~8mb.  I did not consider that the increased bandwith caused by these to files are worth the trouble.  Perhaps I am wrong?  If you are asking me to post those two files I am willing to do that as a separate download.  Is that what you are asking?


Not sure, like I say before I have deleted (for test) the creation of the gid file, altought I have always show all files for folders, I havent watched any new file :)...

Altough if is created this gid file each time, then, I only will say that you should also include the  .cnt file, because in that way, when you open the hlp file, you get a nice display of contents :).


The .cnt file is already included along with the .kwf and .hlp files.  A copy of the .kwf file can be reformed with a text parser to build a listing of API functions.  I think I will do that and put it in a list box for quick perusal.



I guess you know best what this files are used for?

.cnt some like content?

for what is the .kwf?? keyword file?? :S


Take a look at it and you tell me.



It look like a bunch of names :), pheraphs for index, dont know in what part of the help programm is reflected the use of this file..., altough I can see that the .cnt file have a more watcheable impact...

I am checking the most fast that I can, with ALT+C and arrow keys + enter the "links" this is a list of the not running or working ones (one  of two things, there is a error or I have much api files :))

Windows->Windows Styles (altough the page exist...)
Windows-> Dialgo Box Styles (dont know)
Windows->size (exist)
Windows->position (exist)
Clipboard-> processing the WM_RENDERFORMAT and WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Messages (exist)
Common Dialog Box Library-> Common dialog Box Library plataform diferences (dont know)
Common dialog Box Library-> Common Dialog Box Basics (dont know)
Common Dialog Box Library-> Initialization Flags (dont know)
Common Dialog Box Library-> Hook Functions and Custom Dialog Box Templates
Common Dialog Box Library-> Registered Messages and Message Strings
Common Dialog Box Library-> Hook Function
Common Dialog Box Library-> Customizing Dialog Boxes

"Walking" trought this "chapter" I have readed "Initializing the Page Setup Dialog Box" and "Customizing the Find or Replace Dialog Box" and "Initializing the Page Setup Dialog Box" "Customizing Old-Style Dialog Boxes " and "Hook Procedures for Common Dialog Boxes" I have no finded a near description to: "common dialog Box basics" and "Common Dialog Box Library Plataform diferences"

There are more than 80 "chapters" I will not test manually each "link" I can but I hope there exist a better solution like the .cnt files is the replace for my manual mark of bookmarks ;).

If you whant to continue  the checking, I have only terminated the section of "Common Dialog Box Library".

By the way, the cnt file contain all the sections??


Common dialog Box Library plataform diferences

This string does not exist in my keyword file...



But exist in the .cnt file...

2 Common Dialog Box Library Platform Differences=_win32_Common_Dialog_Box_Library_Platform_Differences

also in In the GID file: _win32_Common_Dialog_Box_Library and _win32_Common_Dialog_Box_Library_Platform_Differences
altough when I go for the link in the contents say me some like this: The topic dosent exist, put in contact with the distributor of the application for get a update help file. (129)

In your .kwf you have two or three like that (altought I still dosent see/get where the use of a kwf is reflected in the help system...)

Like I say, dont know exactly if the error is because I have more than one help file there.. or you have the same problem???


Urrrrgh !

This appears to have turned into a conversation on Winhelp format, not writing code in assembler.

Maybe we could have some links to whatever versions are around so that members can decide for themselves what they want to use. I have the Borland link on the forum web site and when I set up the link and tested the files that were available, I preferred the Borland ones to tye Ming editions.

I think it needs to be understood that the WIN32.HLP file is at best about 6 years old and while it is useful for classic win 32, the MSDN or PLATFORMSDK data is far more up to date.

Now I am closing this thread because it is going nowhere in a hurry.
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