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Changing windows desktop wallpaper on the fly.

Started by white scorpion, July 03, 2005, 10:18:02 PM

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white scorpion

Hi all,

I'm planning on writing a program which will change the wallpaper on the desktop after a given time to another image. This will be kinda like a slideshow. I know there are already many programs which allow you to do such a thing, but i like to write it for myself to keep it simple.

My problem is that i cannot find any way to change the wallpaper on todays windows systems. I have found the API SetDeskWallpaper() exported by user32.dll, but it seems it is still there for compatibility with older programs since it isn't explained in the msdn or API reference anymore.
Apparently it was used even before windows 95 so that's a long time ago.

I've tried using an API monitor to figure out which API's are called when one changes his desktop wallpaper, but it doesn't really make sense.

Anyone knows how to achieve such a thing?

Thanks in advance,

Mark Vogels


maybe the following will work. (never tested it..)

invoke SystemParametersInfo, SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, ADDR path_to_the_wallpaper, 0


Here's an example I wrote:

; Change Desktop Wallpaper
.MODEL FLAT, stdcall
option casemap:none



INCLUDELIB kernel32.lib
INCLUDELIB user32.lib
INCLUDELIB masm32.lib


    lResult     SDWORD  0
    szFileName  BYTE    "D:\My Documents\My Pictures\Wallpaper\Olympic.bmp", 0   ; must be a bitmap
    szTitle     BYTE    "Set Desktop Wallpaper", 0
    szMsgOK     BYTE    "The Desktop Wallpaper was successfully set", 0
    szMsgError  BYTE    "The Desktop Wallpaper was NOT successfully set", 0



    invoke SystemParametersInfo, SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, NULL, ADDR szFileName, \
    mov lResult, eax

    .IF eax != 0

        invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR szMsgOK, ADDR szTitle, MB_OK


        invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR szMsgError, ADDR szTitle, MB_ICONERROR


    invoke ExitProcess, 0

end start           

white scorpion

Thanks guys,

i will go and check out the code. I can't imagine there isn't a possibility to use a jpg as wallpaper, so i will google using the functions / parameters given. At least now i know what to search for  :U


white scorpion,

Windows XP will accept .jpg files to use as wallpaper, but it first converts them to .bmp and stores the .bmp on disk, then it uses the .bmp for the wallpaper. It stores the .bmp file here:

  C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp

The registry keys containing this information are here:

  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

I can't remember if Windows 2000 does this or not.

white scorpion

I've noticed that after googeling for the SystemParametersInfo in combination with jpg. Is there any easy way to convert a jpg/png to a bmp file using the API's ?