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A little help please?

Started by Hades, June 20, 2005, 01:01:46 PM

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I keep getting this error and I don't know why:

Project1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved external

At the top I included:

File Proto C :Ptr, :DWord

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for furute referece.

Also heres how it's being used

invoke EnableWindow,lParam,FALSE
Invoke GetDlgItemInt, hWnd, IDC_SPLIT_EDIT2, NULL, TRUE
Invoke File, Addr szBuffer, Eax
INVOKE EnableWindow,lParam,TRUE
invoke EnableWindow,lParam,FALSE
Invoke File, Addr szBuffer, 0
invoke EnableWindow,lParam,TRUE

Ramon Sala

Hi Hades,

Which is exactly the unresolved external? The File procedure maybe? If so, where is the File procedure code? In another file? If so, is that file included or the corresponding library? If you cannot find the problem, please post the code (or send it to me) and we will find it.


Greetings from Catalonia


I'm basically remake the AsmCut masm32 example 8 program for Easy Code. The thing is, I keep getting that one error because it doesn't seem to find:

CutFile Proto C :Ptr, :DWord

Ramon Sala

I'll have a look and tell you something.

Greetings from Catalonia


Ramon Sala

Hi Hades,

Well, I've been looking to example 8 in MASM32\Examples and you're not doing anything wrong. If you edit the MAKE.BAT file in MASM32\Examples\Example8\AsmCut folder, you will see that a file named cutfile.obj is included by the linker (this .obj file is suposed to contain the code for the CutFile procedure) and the problem is that the file is missing. So, we can do nothing about that. Anyway, I attach this project converted to Easy Code. As you will see, in order to be able to build the project, all calls to the missing CutFile procedure have been commented (lines 101 and 105).



[attachment deleted by admin]
Greetings from Catalonia


Ok, this wasjust a test project anyways so I'm not to worried about it. I was just testing the IDE and it's functions. And seeing what basic things I can do in asm. Basically all I wanted to know is if I was doing something wrong, and since you said I wasn't. I think i'll start a real project now. Thanks for your help.

Ramon Sala

You're welcome Hades! Thanks for using Easy Code.


P.S. Download the last version of Easy Code just released today.
Greetings from Catalonia


I already did, I noticed the topic right when you posted it.

Thanks, Josh.


Good luck with Easy Code.  I have to advise, if you're going to be using the Visual Project mode, that you learn at least the basics of Windows programming.  It's a great tool, but unlike, say Visual Basic, it won't excuse you from knowing basic Windows programming.  I had a lot of problems when I first started that I thought were because of Easy Code, but were rather simply because of my shoddy knowledge of the Windows API.


thanks for the tip, I'll look into that =)

Ramon Sala


Thank you very much.

Greetings from Catalonia