Warning with MASM32 questions in the old win32asm forum.

Started by hutch--, July 18, 2005, 01:48:43 AM

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It is unfortunate that I must address an issue of this type as I have had a working relationship with various versions of the old win32asm community forum since Iczelion originally created it but there has been a recurring problem with one of the members of that forum that must be adressed to protect learner programmers from being midlead about the technical aspects of using MASM with the MASM32 project.

The masmforum also has very strict rules against viral and trojan support which excludes that particular member from having right of reply in this forum.

The masmforum was set up to ensure that programmers who were using MASM would not be subject to misinformation or other factors that would reduce their capacity to successfully produce reliable working assembler code using MASM. In particular, the "Campus" was set up with rules to protect learner programmers from nonsense like talking heads and other irritations and it is a safe place to ask technical questions which will be answered where possible by the range of so many experience members.

We are fortunate that we have a very experienced range of members in the masmforum who do know their technical data in real detail and collectively this ensures that members who are learning assembler programming with MASM will not be subject to misinformation, illegal coding techniques and content or any form of influence peddling that is characteristic of the old IRC channel #win32asm.

In fairness to SpooK who has done a lot of good work to resurrect the old win32asm forum, this problem is an occasional abberation that is a leftover from the association of the now discredited Efnet #win32asm channel and SpooK has made it clear that the Efnet channel no longer has any relationship with the win32asm forum.
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