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A machine langugae reference

Started by FiFo, June 19, 2005, 10:59:01 AM

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i'm doing some legal reverse engineering and adding functions to programs, and sometime i had this book by barry b brey that has an index for machine code, is there a good reference for machine code?


Best you will get is the Intel manuals, they have the opcodes in hex. I understand that you have told us that you are doing legal reverse engineering work but we have no way of distinguishing between legal and the other so please do not refer to this subject again in this forum.
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The Svin has some good tutorials on these topic at algo forum. I have learnt the encoding of opcodes from these tutorials and the rest by figuring out myself.


Quote from: roticv on June 19, 2005, 02:06:51
Why does this site not work for me?  I have seen it referred to on many occasions  :eek  But it doesn't work for me..
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..

Robert Collins

Works perfectly for me.

First impressions was The MASM Forum. Same type of board.


   The best way to learn is to make your own PE executable from scratch using a hex editor. first try a do-nothing program. then a message box. I have made a window using this trick. But I had to take the help of ollydebug at times  :bdg

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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offtopic "Same type of board." that was because like here, the anterior scripts used for the board software, was hacked much times I guess like 3 times in two months... or that was my impression.... much things are "lost" specially the old attachments... :(. Aparently this "new" scripts are more strong in security.

Only a hint for by more precise about the reference that roticv has gived, they are called "opcode tutorials".


Times out for me, and always has..

Times out for me too.

Maybe my IP range is blocked?  :eek :'(
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..


It is blocked by the great Firewall of China, if I am not wrong.  :green

I found out about about that when when emails to a chinese site was bounced back. Harold did tell me some time ago that some people from Europe could not access it (Probably due to a broken pipe or something).


Maybe I can just use a proxy, but that's hardly convenient lol  :'(
Anyway thanks for the info and apologies for getting off-topic  :naughty:
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..


i'm a bit dumb, but if by machine code you mean the whole instruction -> opcode thingy then just use HIEW, its rather handy for inserting code in RCE circumstances for lazy people as it does everything for you. If i've misunderstood then this isn't the first or last time i've made an ass of myself so nevermind, just ignore.