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Synchronous code design

Started by Jibz, June 12, 2005, 09:51:52 AM

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> The wonder of a runtime dll.

You mean like kernel32.dll which then called NTDLL.DLL ?

I will give the changed code a blast, its always fun to see someone doing something the hard way and get no advantage from it.  :toothy
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I thought that was what asm coding was all about :toothy.



> I thought that was what asm coding was all about.

Herein lies the great difference in approach. If it needs to be fast grind the algo at the mnemonics level against the clock, if it needs to be small disembowel it to get the footprint down and if the code simply does not matter in performance terms, make it clear and small. The action is knowing the difference.

I have no great desire to emulate the colonel, I hate Kentucky Fried Chicken at best so I don't see the point. Much the same with the Windows version kernel, a can of worms, bugs and obstructions best avoided. If it does what the documentation says, use it, if it doesn't, write around it and if all else fails buy a MAC.  :green
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