ALERT !!! Tomorrow is George Carlin's 75th Birthday !!!

Started by baltoro, May 11, 2012, 05:25:33 PM

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...Unfortunately,...he's dead,...but,...we miss him,...
...But,...MASM assembly programmers consider George Carlin the patron saint of bloated, dysfunctional assembly language routines,...
...So,...we have adequate reason to celebrate,...even though all we've got now,...comedian-wise, DAVE,...
101 Greatest George Carlin Quotes

Wouldn't it be great,...if George Carlin was reincarnated as an assembly programmer ???
...Somehow,...I think he would be reincarnated as a hedge fund manager,...or, a corrupt lobbyist,...instead,... :eek


Quote5. Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff?

obviously, he's never been over to my house
my stuff is shit and their shit is better than my stuff


I suspect that George Carlin actually HAS BEEN reincarnated, an assembly programmer,... DAVE,...but, he's just taking him out for a cosmic test drive,... :green


nah - if i were George, i'd have my own TV show   :bg


...My bizarre, crack-pot theory is that reincarnation is like anti-matter,...
Corollary: this means that ZARA would have her own TV show,...
...And,...DAVE would be in court-mandated celebrity rehab,... :eek

...But,...this is probably completely reversed (or weirdly orthogonal) in the Southern Hemisphere,...


yah - Z has her own TV show - and i watch it every day - lol

Quoteobviously, he's never been over to my house
my stuff is shit and their shit is better than my stuff

because of Z - all my best shit is in a shed, out back   :lol
before the wedding, i thought it was stuff
now, i know better