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Coding a demoish intro

Started by Borgert, May 02, 2012, 04:42:50 PM

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Hi MASM Forum!

I'm new here as you probably can see. My goal here is learning to code properly while also learning mASM.
My main reason for this is because I'm trying to learn how to code a complete intro Example---->
This is in no way releated to any kind of crack, it's just that I've always been facinated by these intros. I've found a couple of useful tutorials, but I'm still doing slow progress.
I would be glad if some of you guys could tell me if there is any useful tutorials covering this area and or if there is any basic tuts for mASM. Thank you!



welcome to the forum   :U

coding in masm - we can help
the artistic stuff - lol - not so much
we tend to treat things like a science, here

there are several useful links in the upper-right corner of the forum to help get you started with win32 asm code


I looked at the You Tube video,...I assume that you want to code something similar that will be displayed in a Windows application.
The documentation at MSDN should be helpful: Windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface)
If you have never done this kind of thing before, the best way to approach the problem is to find a source code example that you understand and use it as a starting point.
I would suggest looking through the examples provided with the MASM32 package.
Another suggestion: tell us what operating system you are targeting. The graphics functions are different for the systems newer than Windows XP,...although, you can still use the original graphics APIs, the MSDN website says, the older function (before DirectX) are deprecated.
...And, then,...ask questions here at the FORUM. Many of the programmers here are world-class assembly programming geniuses,...


Hello Borgert

Here are some examples ( old DirectDraw ) to get you started.


And the stripped version, only the sinus-scroller.


i always like Siekmanski's stuff   :P
i found a little coil (LCF) calculator program in a ham radio PDF - is that you ?


Yeahhh that's me. I'm also interested in electronics and I'm still programming on an FM broadcast application doing all the MPX stuff in software. Programming the little AVR microcontrollers is my latest love.....


BTW can you show me that ham radio PDF, I haven't seen it yet.


about half-way down

you should menu the downloads on your site   :U


Thanks Dave
It's cool to see that some have use of our programming.
Didn't know you can read Dutch.  :bg


i can't - lol
but - i can read "coil"   :bg


That means you are also interested in HAM Radio? If you like I can make an English version of the LCFcalculator. ( so you can read it  :lol )


lol - that'd be great   :U

yah - i got my first license at age 12   :P


I don't have a license. I'm more interrested in small FM transmitters.
Give me a few days to make an English version of my coil proggy.


i made one when i was a kid
it would transmit about 100 mW on the FM broadcast band   :P
i used a varactor diode to modulate the oscillator
varactors were pretty new, back then   :bg